Business Explains the Difference Between Data Governance and Data Management



Do you think that data governance and data management are the same? If so, it is better to know the difference explained by Explains the Difference Between Data Governance and Data Management

When it comes to handling data, you will come across two terms. They are data management and data governance. These terms are generally used interchangeably. But they are different from each other. Each of them has a different role to play in the data ecosystem. With expertise in data management, explains how data governance and data management are different from each other.

Before understanding the difference, it is better to gain a basic understanding of these two concepts:

Data Governance

Data governance is a strategic framework. Its purpose is to define the guidelines, procedures and policies for management and usage of data assets of an organization. It involves a structure creation that makes sure of security, integrity and quality of data.

Governance of data goes beyond the technical aspects of data handling. It pays attention to the policies, processes and people governing data all through the organization.

The key objective of data governance encompasses the following:

  • Establishing ownership of data
  • Defining quality standards for data
  • Making sure of regulatory compliance
  • Ensuring that the data activities stay in line with the organizational objectives
  • It functions as a framework for decision-making
  • It offers a set of principles that guide the ethical and responsible use of data

Data Management

Data management revolves around the technical and operational aspects of handling data. It denotes the practices and processes involved in gathering, storing, processing and evaluating data all through its lifecycle. It is concerned with the daily operational tasks pertaining to data like management of the database, storage of data and integration of data.

The important elements of data management include data security, data warehousing, data integration, datamodeling and data architecture. Management of data involves the execution of strategies that data governance outlines. In short, data governance sets the policies and rules. Data management involves making sure that the rules are implemented correctly.

Difference Between Data Governance and Data Management

  • The key difference between data management and data governance lies in the scope and focus.
  • Data governance
    • Aligns with business objectives
    • Focuses on policies
    • Is enterprise-wide
    • Is strategic
  • Data Management
    • Is more tactical
    • It deals with technical aspects of processing and handling data

Now, with the differences known, it would be good to rely on Ark Capita for effective data management.

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