
Common mistakes to avoid when conducting visual testing



Visual testing plays a crucial role in testing strategies for web applications. Why is it so pivotal? In essence, it involves analyzing what the user is looking at — one of the fundamentals that is closely linked with User Experience (UX) as a whole.

Unlike functional testing, visual testing is specifically focused on validating the appearance of each screen that meets the specified design requirements. This is a specific element of application’s performance testing which focuses on aesthetics and appearance.

Consider this: the majority of the hiccups that occur during visual testing are about the way images and text reflect on the computer screen. The repercussions are not just of aesthetic nature when a user comes across illegible text, missing buttons or inconspicuous navigation. Sales, customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction are determined by this factor. For example, visualize a medical records application with test results and instructions appearing distorted or illegible. Visually related defects in such cases can lead to severe bodily injury or even death.

In actual fact, visual testing in automation testing is beyond the surface. It is an essential milestone that validates the appearance of the interface, not only, but also proper functionality and security of applications. This blog will discuss common pitfalls to avoid with visual testing.

Understanding Visual Testing

An essential way of testing in software development involves visual testing, which is sometimes referred to as visual UI testing. This technique is aimed at identifying how any webpage or mobile app page appears when it is displayed. It is a painstaking process to compare the final output with that expected by the design results.


Nevertheless, visual testing involves much more than just checking the looks of a product. It looks closely at individual elements found on web pages, making sure that they are perfectly sized, arranged, behave and fit each browser type, device, and operating system. Visual testing looks at everything from labels to buttons, navigation bars to content, making sure the experience is consistent and smooth for users on different types of devices.

Key components and objectives of visual testing

  • Comprehensive Examination: Verifying the shapes, sizes, and relative positions of elements between browsers, devices and operating systems.
  • Evaluation of Functionalities: Precision of labels, buttons, navigation, and content.
  • Uniformity and Precision: Ensure uniformity in terms of the user interface presentation and action.



Visually testing software ensures that it is presented seamlessly without any problems and users enjoy similar experiences across various platforms. However, visual consistency is of great importance that helps to avoid such mismatches that would have a negative impact on users’ perception and satisfaction. The appearance of a unified and polished visual interface improves user experience and makes an application more reliable and professional-looking for users. Visual testing is central to the process of validating appearance as well as shaping user perception and adoption of the technology.

Common Mistakes in Visual Testing

Lack of Clear Test Objectives

The lack of defined testing objectives is one of the critical downfalls in visual testing. Assessments are imprecise in evaluating visual elements without a defined route. Also, the testing objective is so ambiguous that it leaves the testing activity as a waste and makes the results non-reliable. General objectives make it hard to pinpoint and eradicate visual anomalies during testing, thereby reducing the usefulness of the testing process altogether.

Neglecting Responsiveness Testing

Visual testing also presents challenges as to consistency across devices, and resolutions. Paying attention to responsiveness on different devices results in having an unsteady user experience. This makes usability and overall satisfaction go down substantially. The increasing pace at which devices and screens are evolving make the responsive design more difficult. Ignoring these challenges results in low flexibility of a website and its suitability for displaying information correctly, this influences usability and satisfaction of a user.

Inadequate Image Comparison Techniques

Another common mistake in visual testing involves using obsolete or incorrect comparison procedures.$ In such cases, inadequate old pixel- based or DOM- based comparisons cause the imperfect detection of visual disparities. These deficient methods can miss those fine but significant visual mistakes. The reliance however fails to recognize subtle visual inconsistencies and/or disparities that compromise the integrity of the testing process in regard to accuracy and reliability.

Overlooking Accessibility Considerations

Failure to consider accessibility aspects in visual testing may result in serious consequences. Ignoring inclusive practices for accessibility impairs usability by individuals with physical impairments or disabilities. This lapse affects users’ experiences and may also lead to non-compliance with regulations, which could have legal consequences. Consequently, neglecting accessibility erodes user trust in an application and makes it difficult for it to gain acceptance and widespread use among users.

Insufficient Test Coverage

Unsatisfactory coverage permits visual defects in this area to go unnoticed. This means that when some parts and functional aspects are not completely tested, there are unrecognized visual mistakes or mismatches. It is vital to improve test coverage strategies to detect and fix visual defects in all aspects of the application. Cover-all tests enhance quality and client experience, ensuring quality product.

Not Incorporating Early Visual Testing in Development

This increases the chances of detecting critical problems at the later stages during the development cycle. Failure to integrate visual testing into the early stages of development may mean that errors are overlooked, eventually translating into higher expenses and longer periods for remedying the issues. Visual inspection at an early stage of the process becomes essential for quick problem detection, thereby preventing costs that arise due to detection later and correction later. Incorporating visual testing in the early stages of the development teams saves time in the long run, making the cycle more effective.


Best Practices for Effective Visual Testing

Defining Clear Testing Criteria

  • Establishing Clear Objectives: Effective visual testing is based on specific, measurable testing objectives. Specifically, clear objectives give direction and provide clarity on which testers’ must precisely assess the visual elements. The goal should be measurable and therefore the assessment has to be precise enough. Any visual discrepancies or errors should be detected and rectified as quickly as possible.
  • Guidelines for Visual Consistency: Visual consistency is achieved through guidelines for implementation that ensure consistency of the design components and layout across multiple screens and platforms. These guidelines provide a guide, and help a uniform approach to all visual aspects, such as colors, fonts and layout, for a uniform user experience.

Implementing Automation Where Possible

  • Advantages of Automated Tools: There are several advantages of applying automated visual testing tools such as rapidity, precision and flexibility. The above tools detect visual inconsistencies quickly among browsers, devices, and resolution. Automation minimizes workload, thus expanding the testing scope. Testers get free hands for complicated circumstances.
  • Choosing Effective Automation Tools: The choice of automation tools is very important for effective visual testing. The tools must give comprehensive facilities of taking screenshots and comparisons, support all platforms possible, and be integrated within the testing process. Determining the capabilities of tools used in automation makes it possible to align it with specific project requirements.

Conducting Regular Regression Testing

  • Importance of Continuous Testing: Continuous regression testing plays a big role towards avoiding the repetition of visual defects. Performing regression tests often is necessary for ensuring that there are no visual discrepancies resulting from coding changes or updates. This involves being proactive in providing a consistently high-quality experience to the users.
  • Efficient Regression Testing Strategies: In performing effective regression testing, one should concentrate on the prioritization of test cases, usage of automated regression packages, and complete test coverage. Teams concentrate on key scenarios and automates repeated tests to ensure quick regression tests while not sacrificing quality.

Collaborating Across Teams

  • Encouraging Team Collaboration: Bring together design, development, and QA teams for comprehensive visual testing. Create an environment for open communication and shared perception of visual expectations in order to match goals among all the teams.
  • Enhancing Communication for Better Outcomes: The effectiveness of visual testing depends greatly on communication. Organize frequent team meetings, feedbacks, and dissemination of documents within teams. Enhanced communication channels help in identifying and ironing out visual inconsistencies which lead to a homogenous and coherent user experience.

LambdaTest, an AI-powered test orchestration and test execution platform can be a valuable ally in avoiding common mistakes encountered during visual testing in several ways:

Cross-Browser testing and Cross-Device Testing: Forgetting responsiveness testing is a major trap. Teams ensure that applications are rendered properly on different browsers and devices thanks to the availability of numerous real devices and browsers provided by LambdaTest. LambdaTest identifies and fixes responsiveness problems through various browser and device combinations.

Pixel-Perfect Image Comparison: Without appropriate image comparison techniques, visual defects may occur undetectable. LambdaTest provides pixel-perfect screenshot comparison for accurate comparison of expected and rendered look across various browsers and devices. This enables detecting even minor visual differences, therefore enabling comprehensive and reliable testing.

Comprehensive Test Coverage: Automation testing is used extensively by LambdaTest such that it covers as wide as possible. This is due to its ability to allow teams to run test scenarios on different browsers at once, thus minimizing the risk of incomplete coverage. This allows detailed analysis of all the elements and functions which in turn minimizes the probability of visual defects left unnoticed.

Early Integration into Development Cycle: Such integrations have allowed lambda test to integrate visual testing into the development pipeline from the start. Visual testing helps reduce the risks that come with late tests by including it in the early stages. Early detection and correction help to streamline the development process.

Accessibility Testing: The platform of LambdaTest also includes accessibility testing capabilities. Teams can avoid this error by including these in the testing regime. This promotes accessibility and provides users with an inclusive user experience.

Essentially, lambda test is an all encompassing platform which involves various aspects of visual testing thus enabling teams to avoid common pitfalls in having smooth functioning and attractive application.


As we have looked into the intricacies of visual testing, we have identified important parameters that should be adhered to in order to guarantee that software applications attain a high level of quality. Everything from well-defined testing objectives to nuances of responsiveness testing and pitfalls of insufficient coverage or obsolete comparison techniques emphasizes the key importance of the visual testing in software development life cycle. Teams should make sure to avoid such common mistakes in order to reinforce their testing strategies so that they don’t have just an interface that looks neat, but one that functions and works fine on various platforms and devices.

It is impossible to over emphasize the significance of best practice when it comes to visual testing. With the development of technology, it is imperative to adopt these approaches. Developing distinct testing requirements, using automation, performing extensive regression tests, and promoting cross-team work become essential.



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