Software Development

Lumira Solutions; the powerful world of software



You may not know the name Lumira, but they play a key role on the world’s stage. They are a software solutions company based in California, providing a wide range of services. It’s no secret that in today’s landscape, software is all around us, controlling every aspect of daily life. From the smartphone apps that streamline our morning routines to the intricate systems that power global industries, the software is the invisible force that shapes our modern world. 


Here are some things Lumira’s CEO and Co-founder, Ilyas Azizi, shared in a recent interview, shedding light on the company’s vision and its pivotal role in the software ecosystem.

The Birth of Lumira: Ilyas began by taking us back to the inception of Lumira Solutions. He recounted how his best friend and himself came together to make an impact on businesses using software. “Our goal was simple,” Azizi said. “We wanted to create custom software solutions that not only met the needs of our clients but exceeded their expectations.”

Customization as a Cornerstone: Ilyas emphasized Lumira’s commitment to customization. He explained how the company doesn’t believe in the one-size-fits-all approach. “Every business is extremely unique,” he stated. “Our strength lies in our ability to tailor software solutions to the specific needs of our clients. This ensures that our clients get the maximum value from our services.”

Software is a necessity: In our conversation, Ilyas highlighted the meltdown of Southwest’s systems last year. Here is what he had to say, “Southwest lost over 800 million dollars, canceled over 16,000 flights and left 2 million passengers stranded all over just 9 days because their outdated software couldn’t keep up with the winter rush.” When put like that, it’s obvious why businesses spend millions to avoid these situations that are detrimental to their operations.

Data: The New Currency: In a world where data is hailed as the new currency, Azizi highlighted Lumira’s expertise in turning raw data into actionable insights. “Data is everywhere,” he said. “But what sets us apart is our capability to extract meaningful information from this data.” “It’s about empowering businesses to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve.”

The Human Touch: What truly sets Lumira apart, as Azizi explained, is their client-centric approach. “We don’t view our clients as mere customers,” he stressed. “We become their partners in success. Our success stories range from startups to industry leaders, and that’s a testament to our dedication to their growth.”

With these insights from Mr. Azizi, we begin to uncover the intriguing story of Lumira Solutions and their continuous impact on the world of software. As we dug deeper it’s clear why Lumira has grown into a trustworthy provider of custom software solutions. 

We were able to get a peek into their current operations. We also caught up with Azizi’s Co-founder Eric, he also serves in the company currently as CTO. Eric was able to take us through some of the technical aspects of Lumira. Their clients and partners seem to have a very strong bond with the team at Lumira, the personal touch is apparent. There were too many moving bits and pieces to even put into words. But it’s not shy of impressive. We were able to get some insight on how some clients boast 100x or 1000x ROI’s with their software solutions implemented. 

Businesses can visit Lumira’s site for more information, website:

For updates connect with Lumira Solutions on LinkedIn:

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