
Vivaldi 5.5 is faster than ever!



Multitasking can be a tricky game, especially when you need to do things fast! Well, today, you’re in luck with the release of Vivaldi 5.5.

Vivaldi’s updated browser helps you browse faster than ever, especially when working with the Address Field. The new version also supports the Snap layouts available in Windows 11. Added to that, Vivaldi has also added a handy Tasks Panel in the sidebar of the browser, which will help you to keep track of your tasks and schedules more efficiently.

You can now track your To-Do list without the need to move between calendars, notepads, or other task manager systems available. You can add as many or as few details as you like, with the minimum being a simple title. You can also add the following:

    • Due date
    • Set repetitions
    • Location
    • Description (including any relevant URL)
    • Reminders

As you finish each task, you can just tick them off as complete, and the task will disappear from the default view. Although, you have the option to display your completed tasks, as well.

You can download Vivaldi 5.5 on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

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