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A Guide to the Best Annual Events in Istanbul



 Istanbul, the city that connects two continents with a bridge over the Bosphorus Strait, is historically rich and culturally alive. This city has everything from traditional festivals to modern art exhibitions among others which happen annually and never fail to captivate both locals as well as foreigners. It doesn’t matter whether you are an experienced traveler or planning for your first trip; this guide will introduce some best yearly istanbul da etkinlik so that it becomes unforgettable.

The Fascination behind Numerous Istanbul’s Events

What makes Istanbul unique is its ability to mix old things with new ones; likewise even annual happenings reflect that combination too. The calendar of Istanbul abounds in various activities representing by egtevent also the different cultures from around the world catering for music enthusiasts to food lovers; history students to art fanatics. In this article we shall cover only a few noteworthy events but be sure there are many other interesting ones which can’t pass unnoticed hence should not be missed.

Istanbul International Film Festival

For film buffs worldwide, they won’t miss attending the international film festival held in Istanbul every April. Movies screened during this festival range widely coming from different parts of planet earth thus giving chance both established directors and emerging talents to showcase their works. Various historical places within the city act as venues for showing such films thereby offering viewers unique cinematic experience while at it.

Behind The Scenes Look

Apart from just watching movies on big screens at cinemas or theaters there are also workshops organized where experts share knowledge through panel discussions followed by question answer session involving actors themselves among others who took part in making particular movie shown earlier on during that day’s program schedule – this provides opportunity for deeper understanding about filmmaking process behind scenes involved plus background stories relating those screened films which may have never been revealed elsewhere before now.

Reasons To Attend

If you love movies and want to experience cultural diversity then make plans attend this festival next time it is happening in Istanbul since you will never find such a chance anywhere else around world. You get see those films which may not be available at your local cinema house as well as interact with filmmakers or other people enthusiastic about same field.

Istanbul Music Festival

Undoubtedly, the most famous music festival is the Istanbul Music Festival which happens every June hosted by IKSV (Istanbul Foundation of Culture and Arts). This event attracts best-known musicians from all over globe who perform different genres including classical, jazz, opera among others thus making program diverse in nature.

Unbelievable Locations

One thing that sets apart this particular festival are venues chosen for holding concerts – they include historical places like Hagia Irene Museum situated inside Sultanahmet district; Topkapi Palace courtyard etc., plus many open air theaters scattered around city thereby creating magical ambiance against backdrop rich history associated with these sites throughout ages when shows take place at night under starry sky filled cool breezes blowing from sea nearby.

What Should I Anticipate?

Get ready be blown away highest standard performances ever witnessed combined together with fantastic atmosphere generated within old buildings dating back centuries so if love music regardless whether it’s Mozart or any other type be sure come here during those dates assigned for festival.

A Cultural Extravaganza

Ever since the beginning of time, Eid al-Fitr has marked the end of Ramadan in Istanbul. It is one of the largest religious festivals celebrated world-wide and generally takes place in May or June depending on when the new moon is sighted.

Community Spirit

Eid al-Fitr is a time for family and community gatherings. People visit their relatives, exchange gifts and have large meals together. Public squares or parks may host entertainment and activities for families to enjoy.

Experience the Festivities

Participating in Eid al-Fitr celebrations offers an excellent opportunity to get an up-close look at Turkish culture and traditions. Whether it’s sampling traditional sweets like baklava or watching a folk dance performance, there are plenty of things to do during this vibrant event.

Istanbul Jazz Festival

The Istanbul Jazz Festival takes place every July as a celebration for jazz music and its various subgenres. The festival is organized by IKSV (Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts) hosting international artists along with local talents that cover everything from traditional jazz to fusion or electronic jazz.

Unique Performances

What sets this festival apart from others around the world is its wide range of performances which take place in different venues throughout İstanbul; from small club gigs to large outdoor concerts catering all types’ tastes in jazz music.

Join the Groove

If you love jazz music then this festival should be on your must-see list! Not only will it give you an opportunity to witness some of the best jazz musicians from all over but also allow you discover new sounds within heart İstanbul itself.

Istanbul Marathon

Known as Intercontinental Istanbul Marathon which takes place each November – this race allows runners cross continents! As one can see Bosphorus Bridge connects Asia side with Europe where finish line awaits them in Sultanahmet area.


For All Fitness Levels

These categories include full marathon, 15K, 10K and a fun run making it suitable for people of all fitness levels. On top of that runners will be treated with stunning views over İstanbul throughout the scenic route passing-by its most iconic landmarks.

Why Participate

The Istanbul Marathon should be on every runner’s bucket list! It is a chance not only to take part in an international event but also see other parts of the city while running alongside thousands from different countries around world.

Istanbul Tulip Festival

A Blooming Marvel

In April each year Istanbul Tulip Festival is held which celebrates historical ties between tulips & this region. Millions are planted across public parks and gardens throughout the city creating beautiful displays in various colours or patterns for visitors’ enjoyment.

Photography Heaven

The festival provides photographers with ample opportunities as it brings together vibrant nature settings against stunning backdrops such as Emirgan Park or Gülhane Park where some best spots can be found capturing breathtaking shots showcasing wide variety displayed during these weeks alone.

Don’t Miss It

If flowers make your heart sing then you simply cannot allow yourself miss out on The Tulip Festival! This is perfect chance not only to immerse oneself into nature’s beauty but also take leisurely walks through parts of İstanbul surrounded by blooming petals everywhere one looks!

Istanbul Shopping Fest

Retail Therapy

June annually sees transformation taking place across city during Istanbul Shopping Fest. This turns major shopping centers as well local bazaars into true heaven for shoppers who benefit from significant discounts given along special promotions run by many outlets during extended hours

Shop Until You Collapse

If you are a shopaholic or bargain hunter, the Istanbul Shopping Fest is for you. It’s a chance to go on a shopping spree while being in the buzzling city of Istanbul.

Istanbul Design Week

Creative Innovations

Every September, architects, designers and creative thinkers from all over the world come together for the Istanbul Design Week. The event showcases breakthrough architectural structures and pioneering designs which serve as a networking platform for collaboration.

Workshops and Talks

Throughout the week there will be workshops, panel discussions and exhibitions where industry professionals share their knowledge about current trends and best practices in design.

Inspiration Everywhere

No matter whether you work as a professional designer or simply enjoy good design – Istanbul Design Week should not be missed! Here one can see some of the most innovative designs alongside meeting like-minded people.

Istanbul Coffee Festival

A Brew-tiful Experience!

Coffee lovers unite! In October each year coffee culture takes over Istanbul during its annual Coffee Festival. With everything from tasting sessions to workshops there’s something for everyone who loves coffee at this festival.

Learn from Masters

There are many opportunities to learn about coffee brewing methods and techniques during this festival. Experts will guide participants through different types of tastings explaining how each method affects flavors etcetera – so don’t miss out on them if you want to know more!

Taste & Smell

The Istanbul Coffee Festival is an ideal place for any lover of good quality beans who wants to try new kinds of coffee. Come here not only get inspired by great recipes but also meet people passionate about their craft too!

Bookworms’ Paradise – Istanbul Book Fair in November!

Each November Turkey hosts one of its largest literary events called The International Book Fair held annually in İstanbul . This fair attracts publishers, authors as well as book lovers themselves offering diverse genres from fiction novels until non-fiction books among other things –

Meet Authors & Publishing Insiders

There will be many opportunities for book signings, author talks and panel discussions during this fair where readers can meet their favorite writers. Not only that but they may also gain insight into what happens behind the scenes at publishing houses too.


Book Lovers Rejoice!

 If reading is one of your biggest passions then İstanbul International Book Fair should definitely be on your bucket list. It’s a chance to browse through thousands upon thousands of new titles from all over the world while mingling with like-minded individuals who share similar interests and love supporting literature in general.

Istanbul Street Food Festival – September!

A Culinary Adventure

 September is the month when Istanbul celebrates its rich street food culture with an event called The İstanbul Street Food Festival which takes place every year since 2016 september . This festival showcases various kinds of dishes such as kebabs , mezes or desserts among others served by different vendors at stalls around town .

Taste Different Cultures

 This gastronomical feast offers visitors a chance to sample street foods from different regions across Turkey thereby representing diverse cultures within this country itself through their cuisine alone; so if you’re interested in exploring more about traditional dishes from various parts of turkey then make sure not to miss out on this event.

 Join The Party!

 The Istanbul Street Food Festival is an opportunity for food lovers to come together under one roof and indulge in delicious offerings from local traders who set up stands selling everything from grilled meats wrapped in flatbread (doner kebab) through savory pastries stuffed with cheese or spinach etcetera – there’s something tasty waiting around every corner! So whether you have adventurous taste buds or simply want some good old-fashioned comfort grub, head down here during september time and get ready for your taste buds’ wildest ride yet

Egtevent is the premier event management company in Istanbul, Turkey. They organize a variety of amazing events throughout the city. Check their upcoming dates and events in Istanbul

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