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Latest News from the U.S. is a daily event with headlines that are read in the papers, radio and television stations to keep everyone informed. Latest News from the U.S. covers everything from breaking news about new crimes and arrests to the latest releases from political leaders and celebrities. In today’s world, breaking news and the latest developments around the globe is a daily occurrence. A good example of this is when news of a celebrity’s overdose or even death is reported, this is quickly spread across the internet and the word goes round. Similarly, if an earthquake or other natural disaster is reported in California, whether it be a temblor or tsunami, almost instantaneously images and video of these calamities are shown on news stations around the world. Similarly, when an armed robber was arrested in Florida, a search of the internet and local TV stations immediately following the arrest made the news.

When President Barack Obama made a speech recently claiming that the latest news from the U.S. is that aliens exist, many people were quick to point out that such news flies in the face of all known scientific evidence to the contrary. More alarmingly perhaps, some people who hold views that aliens exist took this as license to launch a counter attack, claiming that the former president had said aliens don’t exist. Such a stance not only flies in the face of all known science but also flies in the face of common sense. For those who think that aliens do exist, they must either be missing something or have got something terribly wrong.

Many scientists around the world take a rather different view of the matter. In fact, a group of them issued a statement saying that scientists are actually studying the origins of life on earth itself to try and understand how intelligent life might have developed through natural means. To suggest that aliens exist flies in the face of all known science and that is exactly what many scientists say. George Kennett, a former U.S. planetary scientist and holder of the honors at the NASA Institute said recently that the prospect of an alien visit to earth is now at least as real as Jupiter’s moon that hasn’t even been seen yet. Such views are therefore decidedly heretical in the scientific community and they will not be tolerated by those in authority.

But if you want to question whether aliens exist, you can do so in your own way without having to go through any of the above. You can go through the Israeli news website, Ynetnews and read articles from a blogger who says he is an “outsider”. In one article he says; “To the Egyptians the tunnels are just as real as the pyramids. They are very much connected to the Egyptian heritage and they are a part of history. To the Jews, however, they are a different story.”

The blogger goes onto say that he is not an “insider” because he does not have direct access to the inner workings of the U.S. government or the Oval Office. He instead relies on sources he believes are more objective than those inside the government who have their fingers in all the right places and are therefore less liable to release information that could hurt the U.S. Therefore he would like to see how ABC News reported on President Bush’s plan to close the U.S. base in Afghanistan and how they hyped the story to make it seem like President Bush was looking to pull out all troops, when in fact he only wanted to downsize the base.

Personally, I think this whole episode stinks and shows the lack of objectivity in mainstream media and the utter corruption and hubristic over-reach that characterize U.S. political life. But then again, I’m a conservative. And I don’t like the notion of a “Covid” life-size robot and their brain imitating a human being to serve as the Emperor’s Child. I can’t help but compare the “Covid” project with the latest incarnation of Star Trek, which depicts the U.S.S. Enterprise as it was featured in the Original Series. Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

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