Press releases
TechAnnouncer publishes Technology News and Press Releases.
Press Releases is written statements that are submitted to the media for publishing purposes in the hope of gaining publicity and attention. A press release is a written statement delivered orally or by mail to media representatives for the express purpose of giving information, generating an announcement, or making an official public statement. Press releases are often considered a first source, meaning that they are valuable sources of information for those who wish to learn about new developments in a particular area of interest.
If you intend to submit press releases for the purposes of publicity or information, it is important to follow certain guidelines. Your contact details should be readily available. They may include your name, address and telephone number. It is also essential that these details are correct and indicate accurately your relationship with the media outlet. You should not submit false information and your contact details should not be forged.
You will be able to submit your press releases along with a newsworthy item. This newsworthy item could be a fact or opinion piece, an event, or even a picture of a new product or service. What is newsworthy is determined by the requirements set by the PR Association (although all journalists and media outlets follow different standards and formats). If your item is considered newsworthy, it needs to be factual and accurate, and it should be newsworthy according to the standards of your target audience.
Many journalists will approach press releases in a completely different way. Instead of writing an article to inform readers about a new product or new service, they will instead write an announcement about the new product or service and the benefits that they offer. These announcements will normally come to the attention of a different type of media outlet. In most cases, these types of press releases will not be as well received or covered by other publications.
If you have been involved in marketing for any amount of time, you know that many corporations develop a long list of contacts and a number of joint ventures simply to gain the advantage in front of their target audience. In order to build such a large list of contacts, many corporations hire dozens of journalists. While some of those journalists do receive training and are actually capable of writing well, most reporters work “on the job.” This means that when a company issues a new product, for example, the company’s representative will walk the reporters through the new product and how it can benefit their audience, but the reporters will not write an overview of the product and its benefits for the consumer.
The key to writing effective press releases is for you to determine which audience you will be targeting and which kind of press release you will be issuing. For example, if you are writing press releases for a school board, you would want to focus on the positive and eliminate all mention of possible negatives such as a bad school or teacher. Similarly, if you were writing to increase public awareness of a government initiative, your language would need to focus on the positive and omit all mention of negative aspects. Ultimately, your goal is to develop a one-sided piece that makes your audience feel good while garnering few, if any, negative comments from the press.
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