
Baton Rouge Digital Marketing Expert Warns Podcasters About Using Patreon



As a Baton Rouge digital marketing expert, Alec Daniel has seen a lot of different strategies for generating revenue from podcasts. And while some good ones are out there, he’s not a fan of Patreon.

Patreon is a site that allows podcasters to generate revenue from their listeners. Podcasters can offer rewards to their patrons, such as exclusive content or shout-outs, in exchange for financial contributions.

But some Daniel believes that Patreon is a slap in the face to advertisers, who are the main source of income for most podcasters. It’s essentially telling advertisers that the hosts want to help push their business unless the listener pays them directly.

We sat down with Daniel to get his thoughts on Patreon and other ways podcasters can generate revenue.

Here’s what he had to say:

“Patreon is a bad idea for a number of reasons. First, it’s a slap in the face to advertisers. Second, it sends the wrong message to listeners. And third, it ultimately reflects poorly on the podcaster and the industry as a whole.”

Alec adds that many other ways to generate revenue from podcasts don’t involve using Patreon.

“Podcasters should focus on providing quality content and excellent value to their listeners. If they want to generate revenue, they should look for ways to do so that don’t involve asking their listeners for more money.”

Consider the following strategies for generating revenue from your podcast:

1. Sponsorships

“Sponsorships are the lifeblood of most podcasts. And while it can be difficult to secure sponsors, it’s still the best way to generate revenue.”

Daniel adds that this, the most traditional method, is also the best way to avoid listener backlash.

“When done right, sponsorships are a win-win for both the sponsor and the podcast. The sponsor gets exposure to the podcast’s audience, and the podcast gets financial support.”

2. Affiliate Links

“Affiliate links are another great way to generate revenue without asking listeners for money directly. You can promote products and services that you believe in and earn a commission on every sale.”

The only caveat with this approach is that you need a professional website to house your affiliate links. This is where most podcasters get tripped up.

“A lot of podcasters try to generate revenue from their affiliate links but don’t have a professional website to do so. As a result, they end up losing out on potential sales.”


Daniel stresses that podcasters who opt to use affiliate links on their website need to make sure that their website is up to par.

“Your website is your digital home base. It’s where people go to learn more about you and your podcast. If it’s not up to par, you’re not going to generate the revenue you want.”

He also urges them to disclose their use of affiliate links on their website and in their podcast episode descriptions.

“It’s important to be transparent about your use of affiliate links. If you’re not, you risk losing the trust of your listeners.”

3. Merchandise

“Selling merchandise is another great way to generate revenue without asking listeners for money directly. You can sell your listeners t-shirts, mugs, and other branded items.”

This approach requires a bit more work upfront, but it can be a great way to generate ongoing revenue.

“Selling merchandise is a great way to generate revenue, but it does require more work upfront. You need to design the products, set up a store, and promote the products to your audience. But if you’re willing to put in the work, it can be a great source of ongoing revenue.”

Again, this approach requires a show’s host to set up and maintain a professional website.

“We seriously advise podcasters not to set up shop in Wix, Etsy, or some other amateurish website builder. It will reflect poorly on you and your show.”

He notes that these platforms also claim to be free, but there are always hidden costs.

“There’s no such thing as a free website. Even if you use one of these so-called free platforms, you’ll eventually have to pay for hosting, domain names, and other features. It’s just not worth it.”

Instead, Daniel urges podcasters to hire a professional to build them a custom website.

“It may cost you a few hundred dollars upfront, but it will be worth it in the long run. You’ll have a professional website that will help you generate revenue and build your brand.”

4. Consulting and Coaching

“If you’re an expert in your field, you can offer consulting and coaching services to your listeners. This is a great way to generate revenue without asking listeners for money directly.”

This approach requires a bit more work, but it can be very lucrative.


“Offering consulting and coaching services is a great way to generate revenue, but it does require more work. You need to create and promote your services, and you need to be an expert in your field.”

Daniel stresses that this approach is not for everyone.

“Not everyone is cut out to be a consultant or coach. If you’re not an expert in your field, this approach is not for you.”

At the end of the day, it’s up to each show’s host to decide what approach is right for them.

“There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to generating revenue from your podcast. It’s up to you to decide what approach is right for you and your show.”

If you’re looking for more ways to generate revenue from your podcast, BlakSheep Creative can help. The digital marketing agency offers a wide range of services, including podcast consulting, website creation, podcast publishing, and more.

For more information, visit their website or contact them at

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