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A few years ago, social media was just seen as a “nice to have” department or role in any company. People didn’t pay much attention to the whole new world social media opened up, but this changed quickly. After seeing that their products or ideas can quickly be seen by millions of people, social media became the number 1 tool companies use to interact with their customers and promote their products.

Due to the extreme importance social media has, we’ve come up with a list of tips you can use to greatly improve your social media presence, both personally and professionally.

1. Prioritize social networks accordingly

Maybe you’ve seen that you or your company has a lot more success on Facebook than Twitter or LinkedIn. Focus your attention on the social media platform that suits you best, and you’ll see more and more people coming your way from there.

2. Engage people as often as possible

Take the time to have private discussions with as many people as possible. Answer their questions, share tips and tricks with them, and even invite them to behind-the-scene events or live places you can meet.

3. Follow discussion topics and current trends

Don’t let any of the big news from your domain of activity pass without an opinion from you. Start debates on your page on the hot topics of the day, and be sure to moderate them and share your point of view.

4. Be consistent and engaging

People will remember you if you have the same message over and over again. On the contrary, nobody likes a person who jumps from one end of the spectrum to another often. Be consistent in the message you’re sending, and your brand will quickly develop.

5. Use social media as a gateway to your website or blog

Most social media platforms limit you to a certain number of characters per post. Use these posts to briefly describe what you want, and then send your readers to your website or blog. Social media should only be seen as a tool and not be considered an end objective.

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