The annual CES conference has become synonymous with innovation and the latest in technological advancements. Due to the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic, the conference had to go digital this year, which was no issue for the tech savvy team. But 2022 will see the conference back with their live, in-person event that is speculated to be one of their most exciting events to date. Often considered as one of the world’s most famous technology events, CES consistently places emphasis on introducing the latest that the digital world has to offer.
With the digital event proving a resounding success, this year saw over 100,000 tech enthusiasts and aficionados flocking to their screens to attend the exhibition. The digitalisation of the event also allowed those, from across the globe, who may not have been able to make it to a live event to be a part of the action. However, the feel and heart of the show that comes from in-person interaction was definitely missed. The event has created remarkable awareness on the growth of the tech industry and shown businesses how they can incorporate tech into their daily doings with regards to marketing and advertising. Companies such as Fallon Industries have shown businesses how they can assist with taking the leap to incorporate digital tools.
With the world turning more and more towards digital, it only makes sense for an event that is based on technological updates to do the same. Which is why the brains behind the event decided to add a spin on the upcoming show by creating a hybrid conference that will allow the convenience that a digital showcase will provide, without losing out on the atmosphere of an interactive face-to-face event. This means that some of the major sessions and key product announcements will be made available via online livestream that will also allow the digital audience to interact with the conference.
The 2022 edition, which will run from January 5-8 in Las Vegas, will include content on space and food technology as well as NFTs. Whilst still highlighting developments in Artificial Intelligence, XR, and digital health amongst other topics. The event has always been a platform for showcasing the weird, the wonderful and the latest in technology across all platforms. The food delivery systems, especially during the implementation of stricter Covid-19 protocols and lockdowns, will be one of the topics highlighted during the show. Other topics such as space tourism and a dive into blockchain based platforms will bring interesting conversation and spark insightful debate amongst exhibitors and attendees.
Attendees that wish to attend the digital exhibition can set up virtual appointments with exhibitors. Companies can also schedule online “booth-side interactions” via video conference. This will allow the virtual event to get closer to the interaction that the in-person event allows. For those that are attending the physical venue, the same experience can be had in a face-to-face format.
Those that will be attending the in-person event will also witness one of the largest CES conferences in terms of location size, as the convention will be expanding into the Las Vegas Convention Centre’s west hall for the first time. The exhibit is expected to host over 1,600 companies from across the world who will be physically present at the exhibition.
The conference is open to individuals with an affiliation to the consumer technology industry and are required to be 18 years of age or above. Registration is done online on a first come first serve basis and will require a photo and proof of industry affiliation. Proof of vaccination will be mandatory for all exhibitors and attendees.Strict Covid-19 prevention protocol will be implemented to ensure the safety of everyone at the event. CES has stated that they will use CLEAR to manage proof of vaccination for those that are based in the United States, to provide an easy and safe method to share this information. A similar 3rd party platform will be introduced for the submission of proof of vaccination for those attending from outside of the States. All state and local guidelines as well as recommendations by the CDC will be followed throughout the exhibit which, as it stands, includes the wearing of masks in all public, indoor spaces. The conference will also be equipped with health services and medical care should it be required. The venue has also been accredited for their cleaning protocols and work practises that minimize the risks that infectious diseases carry. CES has also taken extra precaution by improving ventilation systems and increasing the outside air flow.