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How to Create Efficient Diagrams




Effective diagrams help capture and keep the attention of your audience by synthesizing information quickly, while emphasizing what matters most. Here are a few pointers to help get you going:

Showing your workflow chart to team members allows them to provide input and identify areas for improvement. Sharing it also promotes ownership and fosters teamwork.

Workflow Diagrams

Workflow diagrams offer a visual depiction of how tasks are completed, who is accountable, as well as any bottlenecks, redundancies or gaps in processes that could be eliminated or enhanced to achieve greater efficiency.

Workflow diagrams can be created using various shapes and symbols, such as boxes, diamonds, circles and arrows. A workflow diagram can be used to represent either an individual project or task or it can provide an overall overview of an entire business process.

An effective workflow diagram can improve teamwork and productivity by clearly communicating processes to new hires or existing employees. Being able to easily create and share these diagrams among team members helps eliminate confusion or miscommunication and save time wasted on unnecessary steps. Utilizing cloud-based collaboration tools like Boardmix makes creating these diagrams simple for teams; instantly sharing them among all collaborators allows teams to stay on the same page during any given process and ensures everyone stays up-to-date.


Flowcharts can be invaluable tools in providing documentation of how a process works and making it readily accessible for those involved. Their simple shapes, colors and directional lines help people quickly comprehend what’s going on and where potential issues may exist.

Flowcharts typically feature starting and ending terminal symbols to symbolize the beginning and ending points of any process, with each step marked by its own symbolic representation connected by arrows. Some types of flowcharts even incorporate swimlane components that help separate teams or parties involved in a process into specific categories.

As Tufte highlights, remember to limit the amount of information on your diagrams, making sure that each element can easily be understood by readers. As Tufte suggests, too much clutter makes reading your diagram difficult; too much information becomes no better than reading text directly. Keep your target audience in mind when creating charts so they are as easily understandable as possible.

Organizational Charts

Organizational charts (org charts), or organizational structures, show how different roles and departments work within an organization. Furthermore, org charts help identify who holds authority for certain activities within the company to reduce ambiguity and enhance communication.

An organizational chart may take either a hierarchical or flat format. Hierarchical charts rank employees based on seniority; on the other hand, flat charts outline all employee levels horizontally. A flat organizational chart may be prefered in companies that promote decentralized work environments or give frontline employees more autonomy and decision-making power.

Org charts can include boxes, lines, labels, arrows, photos and other visual elements to make them easier for people to comprehend. When conducting graphic elicitation sessions with participants, participants were instructed to physically edit their diagrams (Diagram B/C). Solid or dotted lines can be used to represent relationships: solid lines for supervisor-subordinate relationships while dotted ones show lateral ones.

Matrix Diagrams

Matrix diagrams are an efficient tool for comparing groups of information. Their shape depends on how many groups there are to compare; an L diagram would work when comparing two sets, or three may use a Y diagram when showing relationships among three.

Step one in creating a matrix diagram is defining your objective and selecting the number of data groups to compare. Once chosen, select a matrix format best suited to your purpose before listing out your data groups as well as relationships that need highlighting.

Matrix diagrams can make your work more efficient by offering a structured way to evaluate and identify important relationships among data groups. Matrix diagrams are an indispensable asset when it comes to project management, risk evaluation or strategic planning – they offer invaluable help for improving processes and making efficient decisions.

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