Instant messaging is an application that allows users to communicate using short messages or videos through various network interfaces. Instant messaging technology is actually a form of instant online chat enabling real-time text transfer over the Internet or any other network. When each user inputs text into the instant chat box and triggers a broadcast to the receiver, who is connected to a similar network, messages are usually sent simultaneously. In this way, the messages can be exchanged between multiple users simultaneously without the need for waiting for a circuit to complete.
Instant messaging has various advantages over e-mailing or sending e-mails. For example, instant messaging can support audio as well as text messages. In addition, instant messaging offers various options such as file uploading, picture and video sharing, web browsing, chatting, and voice messaging. The various options allow users to stay in touch with their friends, colleagues, and family members.
The first type of instant messaging software is known as a client-server architecture. This form of instant messaging system is based on the use of web servers to store the data and serve messages. The Instant Messenger software then receives messages from clients and delivers them to the intended users. Most Instant Messenger systems require the presence of a server, browser, and software for performing background processing such as indexing, storing and retrieving messages. These systems also provide features such as chat history storage and real-time threaded execution.
Another form of instant messaging software is the server-side architecture. The Instant Message software running on a personal computer or a web server collects and transmits message content to clients. The messages are passed through an intermediary device such as the IM client or a remote IM client that processes messages before delivering them to the intended client. This is one of the most commonly used forms of instant messaging systems.
The last type of Instant Messaging is known as integrated Instant Messaging (IM). This is another form of instant messaging etiquette in which a business communication system combines various elements of Instant Messaging like SMS and e-mail into a single interface to enable quick and easy communication between various parties. IM is usually provided by online service providers and is capable of storing large amounts of information.
In order to maximize the benefits of instant messaging etiquette, it is important to establish clear and concise rules for Instant Messaging. Instant messages should not contain inappropriate content or messages that are intended to be threatening or offensive. Instant messaging etiquette should also include a system for automatically deleting messages that you no longer want to see. Additionally, you should avoid Instant Messaging when conversing with a person who is not credible.