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Interview renewable energy: Adrian Rubin climatologist




1. Hello, I am Adrian Rubin, a climatologist with a knack for renewable energy and preserving this planet we call home. I obtained a degree in meteorological science from the world-renowned Princeton University after which I set up a team in Philadelphia, and our primary focus has been in observing the various factors that influence weather conditions and how these factors influence the planet. A large part of our work involves observation and data analysis.

Asides from my love for the planet, I enjoy hosting the younger generation, encouraging them to participate in the world of climatology. Of all generations, theirs is most likely to be challenged by the changes we are experiencing, and I believe their involvement from an early stage might change the narrative.

2. Our team has worked on several successful projects globally, as we make new marks and attain new groundbreaking achievements, we get closer to the bigger picture, and in those moments, we can truly see the amount of work left to do, the vast gap we need to fill. All our efforts are geared towards these, creating innovative and sustainable solutions that will not only save the Earth and its ecosystem but also make it a more habitable planet for future generations. Every step we take towards achieving this is an achievement, the little ones we celebrate in our office and the ones we share with the world. 

3. My target is the human market; one of the most important things that I want people to understand is that there’s a lot of damage being done to our world and we do not have as much time as we think. Our current actions only show that we take our ozone layer and environment for granted, disregarding the fact that these resources are not eternal. Contrary to popular belief they are incredibly finite and do not last a lifetime. It took me time to realize this, but there’s a gradual shift happening. It’s slow, but it’s more significant than ever before. There’s never been a more crucial time in our existence to take action and prevent a global crisis from happening. You do not need to be a climatologist; it starts with enlightening yourself about the ecosystem and lending a voice to the cause. 

4. Right now, we are focused on sensitizing people towards the degrading condition of the climate. We help spread awareness to the public, and by so doing aim to bring positive change to climate change. We are working our way up, enlightening people daily and creating a voice that is loud enough to carry our message. We can’t reach everywhere, but the more people understand, the easier it becomes to pass it on to the next person. Right from a young age, I would often call myself the Earth doctor; my mission is to spread awareness about global warming and give my patient the best chances it can get. There’s a high possibility of a better future, but we must all preserve and build that future, and it starts with enlightenment. 

5. The Adrian Rubin brand is not in a competition with any other brands, we’re all taking different routes to achieve one goal, and that’s to protect and preserve the ecosystem.

6. A better Earth can be created by taking daily steps as little as recycling waste, promoting a more sustainable culture, enlightening children about the environment, reducing energy consumption at home and work, and advocacy for solar energy. If properly harnessed, solar energy has enormous potential to revolutionize the future. All of these things will only be possible when we all work together; several pollutants are being pumped into the atmosphere and our ecosystem, destroying the environment. We must understand how our daily actions otherwise impact and destroy our planet. An unforgettable experience in my career will have to be developing a blueprint on solar architectural technologies.

7. We are continually seeking opportunities to help bring awareness to this critical issue; we spend a vast majority of our time working with volunteers. It is essential that we all lend our voices to this cause. In recent times what once was a whisper has evolved, and with the support of organizations and the government, we can bring a positive change to climate change, so our main goal remains to spread awareness. Our lives are almost but a speck on this enormous planet we live in, and we have not fully come to realize what is out there. 

8. We do not have as much time as we think, our advocacy has gone far beyond preserving the environment. We have all the solutions to climate change, and all that we need is a concerted effort to drive these solutions.

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