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Interview with Centurion coin: holding seminars about block chain and digital services




Q: What can you tell us about your currency? 
Our developers worked hard to build a stable, and safe coin. We do use Pos+Pow and x11. Our founders have a modern vision and Centurion is an important player in the field for next years to come. Innovation, acknowledge and a social mission really picture our goals.  
Q: What type of services exist or can we expect in the future?”
Our innovation is Team is working on a secret project that is creating a big momentum. Our business model is new, and the same our approach on the market. We’re more user friendly, Centurion is the coin of anyone and is not reserved just to expert miners or standard investors. Our message is that Centurion is the coin of people, anyone can mine and that anyone can use to understand the power of blockchain technology. So anyone is welcome in our family.
Q: Are you targeting the consumer or Business Market? If so, how does the business model work?”
It  is an open source decentralized cryptocurrency so it can be used everywhere by everyone. We’ve a dedicated community promoting our goal  face to face worldwide. This community grows every day and they offer hash mining services to people combined with video tutorials to provide anyone a simple acknowledge of blockchain technology. Regarding business market we partnered already  with Cryptonetwork an on line platform selling digital services and accepting Bitcoin and Centurion as way of payment.
Q: What are the details around the most important project you’re working on currently?
We’re building relationship with a Dubai Organization that is promoting digital currencies and thanks to this we’re approaching many new countries like India and South America where the interest of crypto currencies is very high and the blockchain technology can dramatically improve the life quality.
Q: How does the competition compare?
Centurion it’s Centurion. We do use X11 and anyone can see how Dash is raising, so it’s a good choice for the Algo right now. We’re already on 4 international exchanges and media are providing god space to us.  We think more to improve ourselves than looking others. We have our own way and we follow it. We believe in what we’re doing so, this is the only way to go..
Q: The market has many players, what differentiates you?”
T he business model. We have 2 communities one for specialist and another one for easy people. We want to reach both of them. Most of competitors focus mainly on on-line community and technical people. We’re trying to follow a different direction. We realize that people knows so little about this giant opportunity and new digital currencies and services. It’s  like this market is still hidden and we want to start opening the door.
Q: could you tell us more about your achievements in this?”
The face to face community already promoted the coin in 9 countries and good speakers are holding seminars about block chain, digital services and our coin as well  in several countries. The community is really growing quickly and this is encouraging  all of us that this is the way to follow.
Q: could you tell us more about where you see Blockchain technology in the future?”
We see blockchain technology in several  applications. This technology has much to offer for smart contract, digital identities and new emerging growing markets.

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