Interview with Emercoin: Ethereum vs Emercoin The Difference of Approach Between Blockchains

Q: What can you tell us about your currency?

A: Our blockchain:

  1. Designed with an eye on maximum reliability and safety
  2. Focused on the non-payment services (primarily on the basis of NVS):
    1. Bunch of network and safety services (EMCDNS, EMCSSH, EMCSSL)
    2. Digital proof of ownership and related services (EMCDPO, EMCDPA, EMCTTS)
    3. Many other non-payment services (see )

The EMC currency is just one of that services; We do not pay much attention to it’s pumping. Our development strategy is long-term, the proposed solutions are related mainly to the b2b segment


Q: What type of services exist or can we expect in the future?”

A: We already have in production 8 services, described on . Some additional services are under development and are testing right now, e.g. ENUMER (distributed ENUM for VoIP). About other services – we prefer not to publish, until a new service will be ready. We do not promise, we deliver.

Q: Are you targeting the consumer or Business Market? If so, how does the business model work?”

A: We targeting both, with major focus to business. For instance, emcSSL is for customer (B2C) market, while emcSSH is one for business (B2B).

Q: What are the details around the most important project you’re working on currently?

A: Currently we’re supporting system in migration to Merged Mining. In addition, intensive testing ENUMER (distributed ENUM), before official release.

Q: How does the competition compare?

A: Ethereum vs Emercoin The Difference of Approach Between Blockchains

Q: The market has many players, what differentiates you?”

A: We do not selling presentations. We provide a real products and services for a real world. Our approach – Emercoin is industrial platform, with goals in security and stability. We are not looking for hype, based on advertisement and promo. We just work and provide solutions for the real world. E.g. our services EmcSSH and EmcSSL already work for two years, providing reliable protection of networks and users (e.g. in mining pool

Q: could you tell us more about your achievements in this?”

We have many achievements, that list is out of scope of current interview.

Just see these articles:

And, we are leaders in the non-financial blockchain applications. Just see our bundle of services.

Q: could you tell us more about where you see Blockchain technology in the future?”

A: It will be grow, and penetrate to a new business niches. We’re working on it, too.


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