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Is having a mobile-friendly WordPress website enough? Your website needs an app




The mobile technology is transforming lives all around the globe. Our smartphones have become the go to source for most of the needs in our personal, social, and professional lives.

As the number of online buyers is growing rapidly in leaps and bounds, the opportunities for businesses to capitalize on this growth is also expanding. 

However, as an eCommerce brand owner or an online service provider, it is important that you offer a 360-degree solution to your consumers when it comes to making easy purchases and demanding services.

So, is a website capable of offering that kind of service on its own? Well, not really! A website is not enough in the age of smartphones. 

You will need a holistic solution for your WooCommerce android app users and iOS app users. However, before you sign up for a free app builder, read the article to get a better perspective on the subject and detailed insights about the same.

Website v/s Mobile App: A statistical overview

Let us first find out what the data and statistics say about the significance of apps over websites. Some noteworthy facts are as follows:

#1: Session Time 

Mobile phone users spend 13 per cent of their internet usage time on websites and about 87 per cent of the time on apps. While mobile websites receive more visitors than apps, people spend more time on apps. Evidently, the average session time is higher in apps, thereby leading to bigger profits. 

#2: Revenue

About 72 per cent people find it easier to shop on apps than on websites. Most users also trust apps more than websites when making purchases and buying subscriptions. The overarching benefits of the mobile apps tend to ensure more revenue and growth as compared to websites. 

#3: Abandonments

Websites suffer the “buy and bye” setback as whether the customer will return to shop again with the brand depends on many ambiguous and uncertain factors. However, once an app is installed on the user’s phone, the chances of conversions grows by three times. 

Data Source: AppMySite

Why mobile apps have become a must-have tool


Now it is time to delve deep and find the benefits of complimenting your website with an app. While a website can help consumers in discovering the brand, apps help the businesses in retaining the customers.

Discover the list of unending advantages and implement them to reinvent your online brand.

#1: Easy visibility and brand reinforcement 

Once an app is downloaded on the users’ devices, it is most likely to attract their attention every time they scroll the phone and explore the app palette on the phone screen.

It increases the visibility and recognition of your brand and reinforces your identity. Customers can get direct access to the store and even operate and use some features without the internet. 

As most smartphone users spend hours on their phone in a day, they will encounter your brand multiple times. This will ultimately give you a benefit of visibility and brand reinforcement. 

#2: Effortless accessibility and connection 

Having an app makes things easier and effortless for both buyers and sellers. The consumers get to dive into your online store just by the click or tap of the app icon.

The business and consumer connection also gets a boost with apps. The communication becomes easier with in-app prompts, push notifications, etc. The easy to fetch consumer reviews and feedback improves your chances of working on the loopholes and becoming better. 

Eventually, apps help buyers to connect better with the brand. It also increases the chances of conversions and boosts the average CLV (Customer Lifetime Value). 

#3: Better marketing and branding prospects 

Apps act as a direct marketing channel and can have better marketing and branding prospects as compared to a website. You can personalize the feed for each customer and show prompts, ads and products based on their preferences.

An active and personalized app feed acts as a personal shop for each buyer. It can also motivate buyers to make more purchases and increase their basket size. It will also empower your upselling and cross-selling tactics for better sales statistics. 

This process also optimizes the usage of your resources and channelizes the efforts in the right direction. As you know what your customers are more likely to prefer, you can save time on extensive research and blind shots. 

#4: Improved customizability and growth 


It is easier to customize the app experience of the customers and serve them what they want. You can save the buyers’ data and show them products and offers based on their preferences.

While a website may remain mostly same for all the buyers, an app interface can still be highly personalized based on users’ choices. As the experience of the consumer grows with the brand, their loyalty can also be cultivated and rewarded accordingly.

You can also incentivize loyal users for referring your brand and build more social proof. In fact, users are also more likely to share an app in their circle rather than referring a website, thereby giving a boost to your growth. 

#5: Enhanced data collection and control 

The best thing about having an app for your business is better control over the statistics. Data is the ultimate weapon of power in the age of technology and you can leverage the power with apps.

It becomes easier to store the vital consumer data like demographic details, personal information, location, shopping preferences, etc., with an app as you get access to other features and apps of the users’ device too.

This results in a database that you can utilize to design campaigns and set new goals. It can also help you in making data backed decisions and reaping better profits. 

How to build an app without any hassle

Fortunately, as the competition is growing and the demand for app developers is increasing, new trends and solutions are emerging in the market.

In fact, you can ditch the custom app development techniques and sign up for more modern and advanced app building solutions.

You can look for an app creator online that meets your business needs and comes with a range of benefits. Look for a solution that enables you to build, customize and test the app without coding for free.

Once satisfied, you can proceed to upgrade for a paid plan that suits your budget and requirements and publish the app for Android and iOS users. Launch your app and endorse it to make shopping a breeze for your customers and multiply your profits.

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