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Join the IOT Funnel For a Diverse iot Technology News Experience

Hillary Cyril | Editor, TechAnnouncer




Keeping up with the latest and greatest in technology news can be a challenge. What’s a person to do when there are articles about iPhones, Wii consoles, Google Glass, or wearable technology – but I don’t have any idea what any of it means? It’s time to get smart about technology. Start reading articles and blogs by IOT Technology Newsmakers, and you’ll learn how to tap into the next wave of IOT consumer technology.

IoT tech news is your perfect ally for integrated marketing campaigns: Get in touch with us to transform your online marketing results. For more information on how we work with clients to deliver the perfect creative solutions, visit our website. We’re also available for consulting. Innovation is happening every day, and we believe in the value of connected people – designers, scientists, IT professionals, entrepreneurs, historians, politicians, and more. Connected in all the right ways…

Innovation happens every day, and we want to be the first to see the breakthrough. Our industry is always evolving and bringing state-of-the-art technologies to the market. Our aim is to be the first to deliver real-time information on these breakthroughs to the consumer. We combine traditional media like traditional articles with the latest in digital and information technology news to provide consumers with industry expert insights on their favorite topics – from emerging markets to cutting-edge technology.


There are three distinct areas of focus for IoT technology news: Platform Development, Mobile Industry, and Software Development. Our first area of focus is where developers and designers come together to collaborate on new features for mobile phones and tablets. Our second area of focus is where we bring together hardware, networking, and software engineers. Our third area of focus is where we bring together businesses and consumers – end-users and developers.

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