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Joining hands with charities for a noble cause and establishing its strong presence – ‘Setupnoid’.

Umesh Agarwal




It has been observed that a lot of ecommerce brands have been associating themselves with charities that work on a specific area, which helps in building their reputation and creates an overall positive impact. The brand comes through as being socially relevant and accountable, thereby elevating trust factor with its customers. The modern buyer of today’s time focuses much more on what a company’s interests are in being socially relevant than the actual product or service. If statistics are to be believed, people prefer buying from those brands which are consciously involved in various causes that fit them according to their business model, and they don’t mind spending more on such entities who are associated with some kind of charity work. Businesses are aware of this growing trend, which has led many of them to include giving a share of their profits to charities or social causes.

Many present day companies have involved CSR activities in their business models and have been found setting aside a specific percentage of sales towards this space. One fine example is that of ‘Setupnoid‘  which has its hands deep into supporting charities which help children in improving their tech skills. The brand sets aside 40% of their revenues for the welfare of this cause. Their sole mission is to empower underprivileged children and improve their technological literacy so that they have a bright future. “What started as an Instagram page gradually grew into a full-fledged ecommerce website with the overwhelming support of people,” says a team member associated with the company.

Since its inception the customer’s response have been positive which has played a major role in lifting ‘Setupnoid’s teams spirits who are trying to improve their product range and take it to the next level. One can check out their entire range which includes desk pads, canvas, backpacks, LED lights, air pod cases and much more which are extremely useful in our day-to-day lives. They also have a special section ‘save the planet’ which has a wide range of products made out of recycled plastic and aluminum, vegan leather collection, eco-friendly paintings and a lot more which are irresistible ane hard to ignore. Each product listed on their website is worth every penny spent as it’s made of genuine materials and are of the highest quality. Free delivery worldwide makes it all the more attractive for you to get hold of a piece, which would enhance your space as well as help in supporting a child through its endeavours.

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