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Next generation, ML-empowered cytometry data analysis and management – including a COVID-19 case study




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Scheduled for August 4, 2020, 10 am to 11 am


Cytometry is a core capability of many biology and immunology focussed groups in industry and academia across the world. Whilst the technology has been used for decades, recent advances in instrumentation have led to the growth in the number of markers that can be detected. And with the ability to run high-throughput experiments, the cytometry data generated now is both larger in volume and much more complex. Coupling this in a post-pandemic world with teams across multiple locations, remote working and the need to integrate with multiple different -omics data types, scientists and research IT are struggling to process, analyze, scale, coordinate and manage these valuable data assets.

Over the last year, we’ve enlisted scientists’, research IT and managers to tell us about their cytometry data challenges in a number of different R&D and manufacturing environments. We’ve responded by building the CytoML Suite for the Aigenpulse Platform to address their challenges and many more. This webinar will highlight how groups, big or small, can leverage high-performance ML-driven processing, powerful analytics and visualisations, all through an easy-to-use, no-code web-based environment.

We’ll use a real-life case study drawing from our work with Kings’ College London/Francis Crick Institute helping them to automate the analysis of immunoprofiling data from Covid-19 patients. And how the CytoML Suite enabled a much higher throughput in data size and complexity and simultaneously increased the quality of results.

Furthermore, with our commitment to compliance we’ll also show how we can help customers requiring higher levels of regulatory validations.


Satnam SuraeSatnam Surae, PhD in Computational Structural Biology, Chief Product Officer, Product, Aigenpulse Ltd.
Satnam has been active in the Life Sciences for more than 10 years. While originally focussing on Biochemistry, he discovered early on his passion for applying information technologies to biological challenges. His unique ability to transition between both worlds enables our teams to effectively develop the product and at the same time provides him with the ability to shape our customer engagement.

Satnam received a BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry and MRes in Computational Biology from the University of York (UK). He went on to receive his PhD in Computational Structural Biology from University College Dublin (Ireland) in 2015 focussing on engineering Bone Morphogenetic Proteins as potential therapeutics for diabetic nephropathy. Following this, Satnam worked in industrial biotechnology developing metabolic models to engineer microorganisms with the aim of producing chemical intermediates prior to joining Aigenpulse.

Dr. Adam LaingDr. Adam Laing, PhD in immunology, Postdoctoral Research Associate, King’s College London
Adam joined Professor Hayday’s Lab in May 2013 to work on the infection, immunity and immunophenotyping (3i) project; a broad immune phenotyping screen of a KO-mouse library in collaboration with the WTSI. Adam’s work has focused on the development of a high-throughput, high-dimensional flow cytometric screen of the mouse immune system and automated analysis of flow data. In addition, Adam is working on a number of mutants identified in the primary screen to further understand the function of these genes in the immune system. Before joining the lab, Adam completed his PhD in the immunology of stem cell transplantation at the MRC Centre for transplantation at KCL. Since the start of the pandemic, Adam and his team have been leading efforts to understand the immune profiles of Covid-19 patients, working directly with Guys and St. Thomas hospital in London, the EBI and the Francis Crick Institute.



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