Pact Coffee Review : Is it the Best Coffee Subscription Service?

Pact Coffee is a UK coffee subscription service that was founded in 2012.  The company delivers freshly roasted coffee by post. After an order, the company delivers the coffee within seven days.

To subscribe to Pact Coffee service, you will be required to enter your email and address. Then you will be asked to enter your pact coffee voucher code. If you don’t have the code, you be requested to click the pact coffee £1 code. When you click the code, you will receive a message   confirming that you have been given 50% off your first bag.

The Pact Coffee boasts thousands of customers in the UK. The company is growing, taking advantage of a “home coffee” that the company believes to be worth about £1 billion.


The Pact online platform allows you to choose 250 bags of coffee. The coffee is ground to suit any brewing kit that a customer have at home. If customers prefer to grind the coffee themselves, the platform enables them to have the coffee delivered whole bean.

According to Stephen, the founder of the company, all beans have their own unique flavours. The flavours can be enhanced by the roasting process.  The Pact ensures you have the best flavour.

The Pact makes buying experience really nice. The company looks great on the mobile and web, and they’ve put a lot of effort to make coffee buying simple, clear and direct. The company seems to understand all the customers’ preferences.

The Pact’s staff profiles, blog, and attitude are open and approachable. Their Social Media activities and open feedback are customer-oriented.  Every bag you choose prompts you to take a photo and comment what you think. The Pact understands that personality and transparency in social media are very important.

After initial sign up on the web, the Pact’s site gives you freedom to take any step you want. For instance, you can choose to delay the delivery date, pause the delivery, and change the type of coffee you want, or order coffee to be delivered immediately. If you do all of those, each will work well. The site facilitates proper communication and warnings of dispatch will prompt you to make any changes you want before the coffee bags are delivered. Therefore, a customer that needs to change their coffee needs only to pull their phone out of their pocket and make two clicks on the site.  Consequently, the coffee will be changed before it is shipped.

In conclusion, the Pact Coffee subscription service aims to dispatch great coffee and make it wonderfully easy for you to reorder.

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