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Product Innovation in a Digital Economy: What’s Next for Manufacturing?




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Scheduled for July 21, 2020, 11am to 12 pm EDT


Traditionally it would take more than a year to bring a new hardware product to market – from prototyping to regulatory approvals to manufacturing. However, during the COVID19 crisis, many companies have been able to pivot and deliver live-saving products, fast – ventilators, respirators, test kits or face shields. In fact, delivered more than 10,000 masks within weeks.

This crisis has proven that innovators can bring products to market at warp speed, especially when lives are at stake. Remote working has not prevented them from being innovative, designing products and saving lives.

Now that we are entering the next phase of the COVID19 era, what does it mean for companies and product developers?

John McEleney, Corporate VP of Strategy, PTC and founder of Onshape and Jeffrey Hojlo, Program Director, Product Innovation Strategies, IDC, will discuss:

  • Challenges of product design in a hyper-connected world
  • Best practices and lessons learned during the pandemic
  • Trends in product development
  • Future of manufacturing
  • And more


John McEleney, Corporate Vice President of Strategy, PTC
Entrepreneur and industry luminary, John McEleney has spent his career transforming businesses, driving corporate strategy and forecasting what’s next in product development and manufacturing. With more than 30 years of experience in mechanical design and software, McEleney understands the innovation challenges customers face in today’s hyper-connected world, and helps them navigate the digital era. He is now the corporate vice president of strategy at PTC.

In 2012, McEleney launched Onshape — the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product development platform. It is the only product development platform that’s architected for the cloud, enables engineers to design products on-demand, and collaborate in real time — without being tethered to a machine or device. Onshape was acquired in 2019 by PTC for $470 million. Previously, McEleney was the CEO of CloudSwitch, a cloud enterprise software company acquired by Verizon, and the CEO of SolidWorks, acquired by Dassault Systèmes for $310 million.

McEleney serves as a director of Stratasys Inc., a publicly held 3D printing company. He holds a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from the University of Rochester, a Master of Science in manufacturing systems engineering from Boston University, and an MBA from Northeastern University.

When he is not planning global strategy or interacting with customers, McEleney enjoys skiing, golf, and adventure travel.

Jeffrey Hojlo, Program Director, Product Innovation Strategies, IDC
As Program Director, Product Innovation, Jeff Hojlo leads IDC research and analysis of the PLM and collaborative innovation market, including topics such as the development of an innovation platform and the intersection of product design, development, and digital manufacturing.  Mr. Hojlo is also responsible for research on business and IT issues related to the engineering oriented value chain (EOVC), which includes automotive, aerospace & defense, industrial machinery, and heavy equipment manufacturers, as well as the technology oriented value chain (TOVC), which includes manufacturers in the electronics and semiconductor markets.



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