Review: The Ultimate All-In-One Courses & Trainings Platform

CourseFunnels was built after years of experience gained in the e-learning market working with some of the top e-learning platforms out there and recruiting thousands of students.

CourseFunnels gives you a world-class learning platform, employing the latest technologies to make it easy for you to create a course and for your students to learn.

Create courses with any format and media, including video, audio, slides, pdfs, docs, or any other document type you want.


Interact with your students on 1-1 or group level, set up quizzes, give out and rank assignments or let it all happen hands-free.

CourseFunnels makes it easy and convenient no matter how you want things to be.

Your courses are going to bring you money only if you can sell them. CourseFunnels includes a powerful sales page builder & funnel builder to make this easier and more profitable.

  • Create amazing sales pages with in-built drag and drop landing page creator.
  • Create complete funnels for your courses with upsells and downsells.
  • Integrate with any payment system.
  • Students get login access automatically.

No need to buy ClickFunnels or any other costly funnel builder. CourseFunnels comes with everything integrated.

Any marketer will tell you that the real profits in sales are in repeat sales. The ability to sell to your customer when there is already a relationship of trust established is what will make your business ultra-profitable.

CourseFunnels makes it detailed analytics and an integrated full fledged autoresponder that you can use to create mail sequences or single mail-outs to your students.

  • Automatic sending of transactional mails like sales notifications, passwords, etc.
  • Create autoresponder sequences with triggers.
  • Integrate with any payment system.
  • Create single mailouts easily.
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