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The Road to Making Great Marketing Videos




Do you need to create videos to assist you market your service or product? Most likely you don’t have resources to create a video or much time to waste on learning how video editing software functions.

If you don’t have any experience in video production, your only option might to pay through the nose for some expert to do it. However, even with limited funds, the good news is that you can still make great videos by taking the following steps:

  1. Showcase Your Personality

While launching a video, make sure you stand out from your competitors.  You must do something that will keep you apart from the pack. Customers are not likely to read a long explanation about why your product is better than the next guy’s. To the average person, virtual content is more accessible, shareable and digestible.

If you can showcase the personality of your service or product in a way that is memorable and relatable, customers will come looking for you. Be charismatic when in front of a camera. Talking to an unseen audience may appear easy, but it is not. Take several videos, upload them, and edit any awkward pause.

Customers like learning a brand personality by seeing what happens behind the curtains. Therefore, if you are marketing a physical product, take some footage of the production process. Don’t be afraid to record some funny moments such as your worker laughing while working.

  1. Let people understand your product

No one knows your product better than you. Take a look at your product and tell your audience what it does. Tell yourself a story about your product, emphasizing the types of problems it can solve.

Demonstrate how your product solves problems.  Make your viewers more engaged by letting them identify with the problem you are showing them on the video. Use repetition and allow your potential customers to see your product in action.

  1. Make sure your video has some value

There are millions of videos in the internet. Therefore, do not expect that everyone will have time to watch your video. For your video to attract viewers, it should offer some value. Does it reward anything? Does it narrate a great story? Does it provide a clickable link to a free trial? People will share what they think will add value to their friends and families.

  1. Be a Good story teller

Do you remember the components of a good story —introduction, conflict, climax, and resolution. All these parts are crucial. Tell a coherent story that have a nice and great ending. Building suspense is good especially if you are going to create another video.


  1. Take the video to your audience

For your video to attract many viewers, give it a great title. People ordinarily judge a book by its cover. Use hashtags in your title to facilitate getting found with the correct keywords. Then publish your video in more than one platform. Don’t limit your video to one platform because some people watch videos on Facebook while others watch on YouTube.

Export your video to more than one platform. Some people watch on YouTube, some will only watch videos on Facebook. Don’t limit yourself to one platform, or you’ll miss out on a huge number of potential viewers.

With the above tips, you are ready to make your video marketing successful.

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