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Top 8 E-commerce Trends That Will Dominate 2021




Covid-19 pandemic has affected every business in some or another way. Few got shut down while a few paused their operations for some time. The businesses that managed to thrive in new opportunities based on the changing shopping behaviours of the customers, won the game.

Online shopping has been completed changed in 2020. The whole E-commerce industry saw a massive increase in the number of stores, sellers, and buyers. The E-commerce sector saw a dramatic rise in revenue.

E-commerce business will experience a major revolution in 2021, as the companies adapt to new technology, improve their supply chains, and provide a more personalized user experience to their customers. With the lows and highs of 2020, the E-commerce trends are changing in 2021. Adapting to the latest trends and preparing your store, helps you to stay ahead of the competition. 

Top 8 E-commerce Trends That Will Dominate 2020

Mobile commerce will lead

According to the statistics by Simicart, the share of Mobile Commerce in all E-commerce is expected to rise to 72.9% by 2021. This is more than half! Hence, making your website mobile responsive is a must in 2021. Check all the operations of your website with different devices. Consider yourself as your customer and examine whether your site runs well on a mobile device. If it is not suitable for you to use, your customers will face the same issue. Simplify the purchase and checkout process from mobile. Fix all the problems and provide a better user experience to your customers who use mobile.

PWA is a savior

Many E-commerce stores use mobile apps to facilitate the user experience of mobile users. When users are asked to download an app they leave your site. Progressive Web Applications (PWA) comes as a savior for this. PWAs are basically websites that provide an app-like experience to the users without downloading the app. These help E-commerce stores to strengthen the user experience of the store. Apart from this, there is no investment of time and money for developing native mobile apps. PWA also has benefits like speedy page loading, push notifications, continuous offline access.

  1. Personalization will be a game-changer

Personalization is another stunning E-commerce trend in 2021. As technology can do anything and everything, the primary thing is to generate personalized, real-like, and human-powered experiences for your customers. Personalization and customization make users feel that they matter to you and create an everlasting bond. The customers will return to you for the delightful user experience they received from you. Create a totally personalized experience throughout the buyer’s journey. You can create personalized newsletters, personalized emails, personalized order notifications, add a chatbot to your site. Send personalized WhatsApp Order Notifications to your customers and boost the user experience of your Magento 2 store.

  1. Voice Search trend will continue

Gone are those days where the user types a search query. Voice search is a trend that will unquestionably continue to grow in 2021. Many companies like Google and Amazon are strongly working on voice assistants. Voice Assistants like Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant has been accepted by everyone. Optimizing your site for voice search in 2021 will expand your market, modernize your business, and open up new opportunities for you. Add voice search for the mobile version of your E-commerce business. Test whether voice search works for your website or not.

  1. Marketplace Channels will make a difference

Covid-19 pandemic has changed the shopping behavior of customers. The buyers have many buying options. So selling only through your site will not work. In 2021, E-commerce businesses need to broaden their sales channels. Connect to marketplaces, communities, social media, and various networks to sell your products and services. Get your products listed in marketplaces. Establish your business in each way possible. This will help to sell more products and services, reach more customers, and increase brand recognition.

  1. Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality takes a strong place

All the E-commerce business owners know that to be ahead of the competition you need to be different. Artificial Intelligence proves to be very effective. By adding artificial intelligence and augmented reality to your site, helps customers to know how the product will look whether this or that product will be suitable for them. Consequently, it will increase the customer experience of your E-commerce business, increase conversions, and sales. The customer will enjoy a unique and exceptional shopping experience.

  1. Subscription is a new norm

Buyers who buy products from you just once and never return back is a big hurdle in business analysis. In 2021, subscription will have a big share for E-commerce that is beneficial for both customers as well as sellers. The customers can enjoy the additional discounts by subscribing to your store. The sellers will receive repetitive orders from the subscribers. So it’s a gaining situation for buyers as well as sellers. On the other hand, subscribers become your brand’s unpaid supporters.

  1. Omnichannel Shopping will be a boon

Customers prefer to view the products in different ways. Omnichannel is a primary trend that you must include in your E-commerce business. Omnichannel shopping offers shoppers a seamless shopping experience with multi-channels and multi-devices. Understand customer behavior and the channels they visit frequently. Provide a customized shopping experience and optimize your website for mobile devices. While selling products through multiple channels, you must keep one thing in mind. Consider the channels your customers visit instead of going everywhere.


Although 2020 turned out to be tough for many E-commerce businesses, those who stayed strong and changed quickly achieved victory. To outride the E-commerce competition in 2021, you need to know the latest E-commerce trends. The top E-commerce trends are discussed here, adapting to them will help you beat the competition and take your business to a higher level. Apart from the above trends, acquiring new payment methods, going social, influencer marketing, video marketing, hands-on preserving the world will be in fashion in 2021.

Take advantage of the above trends and make changes accordingly to your E-commerce website to flourish your business in 2021.

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