Assisted Reproductive Technology, also referred to as reproductive technologies, has changed the way we view infertility forever. The word assisted here refers to the fact that there are various technologies now available to women who suffer from infertility issues. Most often this is caused by a lack of sperm, which can be caused by various factors such as low sperm count, age, disease, environmental issues, and so on. Such infertility problems have been difficult to overcome for years, but modern technology has now made it possible for couples like you and me to have children. If you too want to enjoy the joys of parenthood, then these treatments may just be what you need.
Assisted Reproductive Technology involves various medical methods used mainly to solve infertility brought about by certain factors. This field includes methods like in vitro fertilization, vitro vasoconstuction, or the utilization of certain fertility drugs. These medical procedures help women with infertility to conceive through different means. In the case of in-vitro fertilization or embryo transfer, the genetic material of the male (Y chromosome) is inserted into the female (X chromosome). The eggs are then taken from the female and transferred to the male (Z chromosome). This method is carried out both for the purposes of determining if a woman is able to fertilize an egg and for the purpose of determining the successful gestation period for a child.
If intrauterine insemination is unsuccessful or if there is no sperm present in the uterus, then in vitro fertilization can be attempted. This technique involves the mixing of specially prepared sperm cells with mature eggs. Once the sperm and the eggs come together and mate, then a baby is produced. Depending on the type of assisted reproductive treatment chosen, this can take place several weeks after the sperm and egg come together in the lab. For several weeks, the woman is able to carry out her usual daily activities.
For men who are considered infertile, artificial insemination or the use of a sperm extraction procedure may be recommended. For this type of procedure, the doctor inserts a microstick into the woman’s vaginal canal. As a result, the doctor collects the mature sperm cells as well as the developing sperm from the vas deferens. These are then stored in a laboratory.
After several weeks, the doctor then injects the sperm into the woman’s uterus. The semen and the developed embryos are then released back into the body where they await implantation into the uterus. During this time, the woman experiences several weeks of mild discomfort. However, once the desired pregnancy occurs, then this is generally a condition that is considered to be complete. One way to keep this from happening is to freeze eggs in the fallopian tubes and allow the uterus to develop in the meantime.
For those who are interested in learning more about assisted reproductive technologies such as those mentioned above, a fertility specialist in your area can provide you with valuable information. Many patients find that talking with a specialist can help them understand the process better and give them an idea of when they will experience their first successful pregnancy using assisted reproductive technologies. They may even recommend a particular procedure that will allow them to collect donor sperm and/or donor eggs at a later time.