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What budget to invest in inbound marketing?




One of the many advantages of inbound marketing is that it allows you to benefit from a significant ROI with regard to the initial investment, often contained in the most reasonable proportions in comparison with other marketing disciplines.

But it can be difficult to clearly define the budget needed to launch the various actions of inbound marketing over a year, especially since there are many posts.

Is it to allocate 1% of the turnover? 5%? 10% per year? Are there different tariff formulas?

In short, what marketing budget do you have to spend on inbound to see a significant return in terms of customer earnings, sales development, and lead acquisition?


To determine the budget marketing you will have to allocate to different actions on inbound marketing, first do some light on the fundamental positions and incompressible discipline.

The redesign of your website, your blog and the facelift or creation of your different social network accounts will be necessary. Indeed, blog and social networks are essential points of contact with your customers, your leads and your community at large. It will be necessary to focus on giving them a catchy look and in perfect match with your graphic charter.

The content creation is, of course, the central post your inbound strategy. Writing of blog articles, videos, computer graphics, surveys, studies, white papers, complete thematic files … The inbound aims to bring the customer spontaneously towards your brand by offering fresh, varied, informative and Entertaining.

Also, the content and other messages and promotional offers that will be designed will need to be optimized for the search engines. A work on SEO is essential to give them maximum visibility.

In parallel, it will be necessary to animate your community on social networks, to federate it, to commit it towards your brand. Again, this item should be taken into account in the budgeting of the operation.


The intervention of a project manager will be necessary to orchestrate and manage the multiple actions for all of these different positions.

SMEs wishing to completely redesign the graphics and navigation of their website and their blog and create by the same several social network accounts will invest from 5 000 € to 10 000 € on average. An operation that will be headed by an artistic director who will set the tone and who will take shape through a web designer.

One or more web writers will also be indispensable to create articles with a deep bottom and licked form while ensuring a fluid, clear and dynamic style that will attract the attention of the reader.

An experienced community manager will enable the brand to create and/or expand its community social networks. This social media specialist knows how to animate a community, engage it with the brand, draw attention to it.

Also, a natural SEO expert will be required to detect the keywords and key phrases to integrate into the different content in order to improve the page ranking of the site, blog and social network accounts of the brand. A natural SEO technician in some way whose intervention is as essential as beneficial.

For all these items, there is no standard amount to be disbursed. It all depends on the resources available and the objectives of the campaign. But a rule observed by many companies of various sectors is to allocate around 5% of the turnover, even 10% even.


However, a minimum of several hundred euros per month is a basic ticket to be able to reap the benefits of inbound marketing.

After this first level of investment, several options exist: 1,000 € / month, 2,000 € / month, 5,000 € / month, 7,000 € / month … The ceiling is, of course, unlimited but everything will depend The amount of content that the brand will want to produce and distribute each month, as well as the time spent animating its community, auditing the competition or working Natural SEO  in the short, medium or long term.


Defining a budget to launch an inbound marketing campaign is above all a question of ROI: What is the return on investment? What benefits can the company expect? What will be the positive and quantifiable impact on the activity?

The good news is that inbound marketing generates a particularly significant return on investment. Numerous studies and surveys – notably that of Hubspot – have shown that this is in terms of increased website traffic, acquisition Leads and sales level development.

An inbound marketing campaign thus allows on average:

  • To increase the website traffic by about 75% of the companies that do it, and from 25% to 40% for 93% of them
  • To generate 50% more leads in 57% of cases
  • To increase sales for 63% of companies, over a bare year

The inbound marketing will therefore not require excessive investment even if a certain number of items of expenditure are incompressible.

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