Wireless Technologies allows devices to communicate (send information) to each other wirelessly and also to the network (TCP/IP networks) wirelessly. There are several different wireless technologies available that can be deployed in electronic products for either the Internet of Things ( IoT) or Machine to Machine (m2m) communication. Bluetooth is a wireless personal area network (PAN), which allows devices to communicate through proximity. It uses radio signals to link two or more devices, which usually consist of handheld devices like mobile phones, printers, keyboards, or cameras. Infrared, WiFi, GSM, CDMA, and TDMA are the other five major wireless technologies used in Bluetooth. The main advantages of using these wireless technologies are:
Wireless Networks: Wireless Networks are becoming widely used in both office as well as home environments. Networks are usually set up between several different devices which would be in different places such as in an apartment or building, in a public space like in a railway station or airport, or even in a city street. Wireless Networks can also be set up between devices using the same wireless technology. A mobile phone can connect to a laptop computer which is connected to a modem or router. Cables or wires between devices can be problematic and prone to damage and therefore replaced every now and then. Wireless technologies such as Bluetooth and WiFi provide a much easier solution and do not require any additional cables, wires, or dongles.
Wireless Networks: Some of the most popular wireless technologies are CDMA, GSM, WiFi, VOIP, ATM, and many more. CDMA and GSM are considered to be standard data transmission networks. WiFi and VOIP are popular examples of other wireless technologies.
Wired Networks: Wireless Networks are mostly used for internal use in offices, homes,s or other places where it is necessary to have a wired network without any external interferences. Wireless Networks are the easiest type of networks to set up, you don’t need any routers or wires, as long as the computers all have wireless adapters. Wireless Networks can be wireless through a WLAN or within a WAN itself. A WLAN is a group of local area networks that are secured by a router. In contrast, a WAN is a public network of similar names that is not secured by a router.
4G Technology: The fourth generation of mobile communication is Wireless Networks. It uses Wi-Fi technology to transmit data and enables connection with Internet-enabled devices. The technology was first released in China in 2004 and then in the US, Europe, and Asia in late 2005. However, in the US, the Federal Trade Commission banned the usage of the term ‘4G’ in marketing promotions. So it is not clear as to what the 4G technology is.
Other Wireless Technologies: There are many types of Wireless Technologies that are available. The technology that you choose depends on your requirements. There are many types of wireless communication depending on the band frequencies you prefer to work with. For example, if you are in an area where there is low cell phone reception then you would most likely go for a cellular 5GHZ wifi. On the other hand, if you are in an area where the cell phone signal is strong then the wireless technologies used would be wifi, Bluetooth, GPS, and so on.