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A Quick Guide On How To Outsource Your Business App Needs




“I want a mobile app for my business”, “I wish to make my business presence on mobile” – With such dialogues becoming the norm, the trend of investing in mobile application development is reaching to every nook and cranny of the world.

But, here comes a challenge. Not all the companies looking ahead to make their mobile presence have a technical background or have their own development team. Meaning, they have two options with them – either hire a development team, provide them with all the resources and get their application designed under the same roof, or hand over their app project to someone in the same or in a different region. In a nutshell, you need to decide whether to go with in-house or outsource for your mobile app needs.

Both approaches undeniably deliver ample benefits, but in case you are favoring the latter one, you are in the right place.

In this article, we will cover some steps that can make your journey a smooth ride and ensure better experiences and outcomes in the outsourcing world.

#1 Have A Clear Understanding Of Your Requirements

First thing first. Having clarity of what type of app you want, what features you wish to introduce, and who will be your target audience is really helpful in finding the right outsourcing app development company.

This is because when you know exactly what you want, you can consider those factors for comparing and screening out the best application development company for app needs.

#2 Estimate Your Budget

When talking about the cost of app development, there is no finite value. The funding required for building an application varies based on the app type, size, number of screens, technologies used, features introduced, and more. Because of this, almost every app development company offers a different quote.

So, it is necessary to have an estimated budget with you while picking the right outsourcing app development team.

#3 Pick The Right Location

App development cost varies heavily depending on the location. While app developers in Western countries ask for a hefty amount for some companies, development teams in Eastern countries offer the same set of services at nearly half the price.

In such a scenario, considering which location can provide you with cost-effective services is a profitable act while outsourcing your business app needs.

#4 Consider Skills & Experience

While the last pointer will help you with focusing on a particular location, skills and experience will kickstart your search in that particular location. After all, there are endless Android and iOS app development companies in every particular location these days.

Now, when screening them based on skills and experience, it is good to watch out for which company uses the latest technologies, techniques, and tools for building an app. This is because users these days choose an application with hi-tech options over an ordinary one.

Also, check for the developers’ experience in both mobile and your niche domain. This will give you a clear idea of how familiar they are with hidden challenges of the app world and that of your niche industry, eventually increasing the chances of success.

#5 Check Their Portfolio & Client Testimonials

When it comes to evaluating any development team’s skills and experience, the simplest and most effective method you can consider is going through their portfolio.

The portfolio acts as a window to their work and lets you get a glance at the type of look and functionalities they introduce in their apps. In fact, you can download and experiment with their apps on your device, if they are live. This will give you better insights into what type of application you might be served with.


Also, feel free to check for their client testimonials. They will give you insider information about how the team works, the level of communication, and the supportive nature, and more, which is tough to determine while sitting in different corners of the world.

#6 Embrace Communication

Often overlooked, communication means a lot when you are looking to outsource your business mobile app needs. This is because there are various app development agencies that take up a project but never deliver on-time or hand over the outsourced app project to freelancers or interns.

Also, there are various companies that end up being stuck at some point in the development process or wish to hear from you if there was any change in the original plan for the app.

So, to prevent all these barriers and ensure that your app project hits the market in the stipulated time and cost and with all the features you expect, build a healthy communication relationship. Connect with the team every now and then. Ask for the project status, give feedback for the app screens designed, listen to their queries and help them with managing the whole project.

But, above all, ensure that the gap in the time zone between you and your outsourced company doesn’t hinder your communication. So, either choose the one with less time difference or go with an app development agency that is ready to be available at your time.

#7 Ask For A Project Plan

Another thing that you have to ensure while outsourcing your app project is to ask for a complete project plan from the team. This will give you a clarity of when your project will be ready. Something that will prevent you from falling for companies that start your project when the deadline is near and deliver less-profitable app solutions.

#8 Sign an NDA

When dealing with a company that is far away from your location, the risk of your app idea being misused or sold out increases. So, look ahead to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with your developer team. And through this, protect your mobile app idea.

#9 Select The Right Payment Method & Process

Last but not least, have a clear idea of when and how to pay for the mobile application development services you are getting.

While some companies demand the whole amount at the beginning of the project or at the end, others recommend receiving the funds at the finishing of every milestone. Choose the one that sounds suitable for you.

So, these were the steps to ensure that you outsource your app needs effortlessly and effectively – and, eventually, make a successful presence in the market and enjoy higher outcomes.



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The post A Quick Guide On How To Outsource Your Business App Needs appeared first on StartUs Magazine.

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