Cizoo has come to help you send music messages to your friends.

iOS has just made it much easier for you to create music. While it is possible for anyone to rap and sing, it is not as easy when it comes to learning to play any instrument. With its new app, Cizoo, iOS gives you an incredible opportunity to record a song with a background of looping music.

As soon as you open Cizoo, it starts the device camera indicating that you can start creating some content. It reminds one of Snapchat, a pioneer app in content creation, although unlike Snapchat, instead of the button at the bottom being a record button, it allows you to pick a song of your choice.

At the time of writing this article, the app has several loops resembling karaoke music with popular pop hits like Drake and Manu Chao among others. Each song is under a certain head say, “epic moments” or “punchline”. The app allows you to preview any song before you can pick the one that impresses you most.


Having selected your favourite song, you can now start shinning. You only need to press “record” on your device upon which you will have time to warm up during a countdown before you start singing for some seconds in presence of the music. Later on you can preview the result and if impressed, you may save it on your camera roll. You can also send it to your friends via iMessage or a different app for example WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.

While Cizoo may at the moment appear less viable, it has numerous potential. It is true that other apps have previously made an attempt of mixing messaging with music for instance Mindie, but Cizoo has brought in a new dimension and I can bet that it’s going to appeal to teenagers who are a bit more creative and would like to abandon the beaten track of Vine and Snapchat. For Cizoo, the sound track forms the greater part of the video as you sing, thus, it’s not simply about adding some soundtrack to your video.

It has taken the experts concerned some time to develop the kind of messaging format that comes with Cizoo. Indeed, this is a very significant first step as there are a number of possibilities for this app. The question is whether the team would like to go the social way by creating a feed as well as a social graph. Or could the team be interested in focusing on messaging?

All in all there is need for the experts to work on a few things; support for other unrelated apps, a viral loop and some more creation tools. Generally, it’s such an interesting start and everybody would like to see how the app evolves over time.

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