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Google is adopting wireless charging for its self-driven cars




It is now official that Google is testing new wireless charging technology for its autonomous car. Through an FCC report, it has been revealed that the tech giant is engaged with two wireless charging companies in ensuring that their self-driven cars technology is user-friendly. Trial tests for this life changing technology are ongoing in Kirkland city in King County, Washington State.

Hevo and Momentum.

Also included in the revealed FCC documents are the identities of the two contending companies to supply Google with the wireless technology; Momentum Dynamic hailing from Philadelphia and Hevo Power, a new start-up established in New York. Each of these companies is offering impressive capabilities that will make charging vehicles effortlessly easy and driver will be saved from the cumbersomeness of dragging charging cables around.

Hevo Power has already presented its prototype device called ‘Alpha’ to Google for testing and it has the capacity to deliver 1.5 Kilowatts of electric charge to a wireless receiver affixed on the vehicle. Since it is just a prototype, final developments on the charging device will see an increase of significant power delivery.

As for Momentum Dynamics, the company reports to have the technology that enables its wireless transmitting device to deliver electric charge of 200 Kilowatts.

Hands free charging
33..This hands free charging technology foresees the power transmitters being affixed onto different architecture and infrastructure. Vehicles will be able to charge their batteries even when on the move.

It is also rumoured that Google’s self-driven technology might be adopted by companies operating a fleet of vehicles or by the public transport systems. It is envisioned that it will bring major convenience by having not to park the vehicles in charging bays for long hours before being brought back to the road.

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