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HelpTheCrowd launches essential tool for investors in equity crowdfunding.




HelpTheCrowd, the Amsterdam-based crowdfunding comparison platform recently released their Equity Crowdfunding tool for investors interested in equity crowdfunding. Subscribers can use the tool to analyse trends and individual investment opportunities in the European equity crowdfunding market.

Jaap Dekter, HelpTheCrowd Founder & CEO and former investment banker explains: “We want to do our part in taking crowdfunding to the next level. We take the best traditional investor services and bring them to the crowdfunding universe. Releasing the Equity Crowdfunding Analytics tool was our first goal, and as we continue to improve this product we also start working on our next project. .“

New investment opportunities are added to our database on a daily basis through our API, by our users or by our staff. Prior to showcasing it on our website, the HelpTheCrowd staff reads every pitch, categorises it in the right sector and labels it with the appropriate tag. The result is a rich, hand-curated database that provides investors with essential insights regarding valuations and funding needs in equity crowdfunding and early stage investing.

Equity Crowdfunding Analytics, our “Information-as-a-Service” product, brings all these data to investors through an easy to use & smart interface that helps them with their investment related decisions. The tool consists of three elements:

Live – Analyse live equity crowdfunding investment opportunities from all over Europe
Historic – Explore statistics of completed equity crowdfunding deals in our database
Benchmark – Find deals similar to a deal you are interested in, both completed and live

The website consists of two parts, essentials and premium . Essentials are free to use for all users. Users who do not want a premium account can still use our essential services.

Users who have not subscribed to a premium account can still see and compare basic statistics. In addition, all our users are able to review and read reviews on crowdfunding platforms as well as the investment opportunities on those platforms. Through this service, we invite the crowd to become an important part of our community and HelpTheCrowd.

Sign up today and get a two week premium trial account for free!

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