How Does an Intelligent Transportation System Work?

Connected Auto Connected Auto

For companies on the road, they no doubt have heard about Connected Transportation. It is the transportation concept that is at the forefront of modern transportation research and innovation. At first, it appears to be simply another application for air freight or trucking fleets, but in many ways, this concept is much more than that.

In fact, Connected Transportation is a vehicle in and of itself. A vehicle that is able to communicate with other technologies, especially with the advent of smartphones and smartphone applications, in order to improve safety and efficiency. The most successful example of this has been Google’s Project Zoon. Google’s plan was to build a network of low-cost, low-power satellites that provide internet things for all vehicles in a fleet, including cell phones, to communicate with a central control station, and to increase safety and productivity by improving fleet management and scheduling.

Another example of a company implementing Connected Transportation is Enterprise mobility, Inc., which specializes in connected cars. Enterprise Mobility aims to “de-clutter” the way we move through business. Its Connected Car initiative helps businesses realize that the days of connecting cars by road are rapidly coming to a close and that there is real value in being able to get more out of their drivers by providing them with a more flexible way to connect and communicate with the world around them.

Auto connect

Of course, not every company that looks into Connected Transportation is going to implement something like Google’s Project Zoon. However, many more companies, including larger ones like Volvo, Daimler-Chrysler, and Mercedes-Benz, are realizing that the days of Connected Cars and the like are gone. Connected Transportation infrastructure assets like traffic signals, toll booths, mass transit, etc. just weren’t built for the high-tech, real-time capabilities these technologies provide today. With the help of new technologies such as GPS navigation systems, a driver can now seamlessly communicate with the outside world, while moving through traffic at high speeds.

Perhaps one of the most important benefits of Connected Transportation is its ability to reduce congestion. By making more efficient use of our roadways and bridges, Connected Vehicle Technologies can help relieve some of the pressure that comes with creating a congested traffic system. As more Connected Vehicles hit the roads – both private and public – congestion will become less of a problem. Studies have shown that when an area is experiencing an increase in traffic, its Connected Transportation infrastructure tends to follow suit, resulting in more productivity and efficiency for everyone.

A perfect example of this occurs at the George Washington Bridge. When the George Washington Bridge was built, it was in dire need of some serious congesting. However, after a concerted effort by the region’s business community, real estate developers, and the state, the bridge was able to handle a record number of vehicle trips on its opening day. The result? Not only did the bridge handle all of the traffic, but it also managed to do so in record time, thanks in large part to the information that was gathered through the use of real-time IoT-enabled traffic lights.

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