Sleep tracking is not new, but a certain company wants to track the use of your mattress, especially if you’re not around home.
Durmet, a Spanish-based company is advertising its Smarttress mattress, with Lover Detection System, an application that sends alerts to your smartphone whenever your partner cheats.
Although this looks unbelievable, the Smarttress bed which cost $1,750, have sensors inside the springs which vibrate when the bed is used. The mattress does not only pick up on activity but also have a built-in speedometer that records impact, duration and intensity. This consumer product is aimed to assist people with trust issues.
If the bed is used when you are at work place, an alert will be send to your smartphone. The alert will enable you to know that a suspicious activity is happening in real time.
Fair enough. Though the Smarttress is an inventive step to ensure that partners do not cheat on each other, most people suggest that it is better to install cameras instead. Many commentators on the product pointed out that a person does not necessarily need an expensive mattress to catch a cheater. .
According to an ad on the Smarttress website, the company names social media platforms such as WhatsApp and Facebook for boosting rates of infidelity, especially in Spain. The ad states that:” “If your partner is unfaithful, at least your mattress is,”
The move is a part of a bigger push from companies to include modern technology into household items such as mattress. Currently, there are models on the market that give report each morning, highlighting the quality and duration of your sleep. But again, cheaper fitness trackers are able to perform the same activity.
Though fitness trackers cannot detect cheating, that does not mean the Smarttress is guaranteed; after all, your partner can decide to cheat you in other places in the house besides the bed.
Currently, there are only two ways one might market such mattresses. First, you share the idea that this new technology can be used to snoop on the bedchamber behaviour of suspected partners. Second, you can spread the fear and warning that global unfaithfulness crisis knock on every person door.
The Smarttress reminds us of innocent days of 2009, when a person allegedly rigged a bed to tweet every time his newly wedded friends had sex. The only difference is, that was unidentifiable prank about individuals no one knew.
According to one of the Youtube user, the Smarttress was the stupidest and most useless thing that human being has ever invented. The user was even skeptic that Smarttress is real. However, when reached through email, a press representative sends this video, showing the mattress being verified earlier this week in Madrid, Spain:
According to Antonio Muiño, the spokesman of the company, Smarttress is a real business. The company has been making sleep-related things since 2012. It has ten employees who produce approximately seventy mattresses per day.
He added that Durmet received requests from potentially interested buyers. But he did not share the exact numbers.