Telecommunication is the communication of information by different types of electromagnetic technologies over radio, wire, optic, or any other medium. Telecommunication includes cellular phones, long-distance telephone service, paging transmitters, and TV broadcasts. It is the communication of messages, data, and images by radio or microwave transmissions. Telecommunication has increased tremendously over the past few decades, due to the growth of the Internet, cell phones with cameras, and paging transmitters.
In simple terms, telecommunication refers to the transfer of data from a source to an end using electrical signals and the physical act of passing a signal along either a wire or a voice frequency. These transfer signals can be either digital or analog in nature. Digital telephony uses a telephone line for the calls while analog telephony uses the transmission of a sound signal as the communication signal. The analog system uses binary code for the encoding of the information. The binary code can be in the form of numbers, letters, and symbols. The binary signal is formed through the use of electric fields that are passed through the material carrying the signal and the existence of a barrier such as a metal screen can prevent the information from being transmitted properly.
The growth of the Internet and the development of wireless broadband connections have caused significant changes in telecommunication. The widespread use of VoIP services has significantly reduced the cost of long-distance phone communication. The use of fiber optics has greatly improved the quality of telecommunication in certain networks. Other telecommunications applications are also making use of fiber optics in their communications networks.
Some types of telecommunication services include digital telephone communications, which are used for voice communication, as well as faxes, and Internet telephony. Another major use of telecommunication services is in the area of data transmission. Digital telecommunications are characterized by the use of digitally encoded information transmitted via wireless networks. This type of telecommunication allows long-distance participants to send and receive large volumes of data without the usage of digital networks.
Digital telephony offers solutions for long-distance calls and provides solutions for local, national, and international communication. Digital telephony also allows participants in long-distance telecommunication to make use of international toll-free access lines (ITFS). There is a vast variety of telecommunication products and services available in the market today. Some of the popular telecommunication solutions include POTS, ISDN, VoIP, and Ethernet over copper lines. These solutions have reduced the infrastructure costs involved in conventional telephone communication and have enabled people to communicate with each other even though they may live hundreds or thousands of miles apart.
Telecommunication solutions are used to transfer voice and data between computers over computer networks. This enables people to use the internet and carry on various computer-related tasks from the comfort of their homes. Some common uses of telecommunication technology include voice and data communication, computer network and video conferencing, and file and printing sharing. Computer networking is an essential component of modern-day business systems, which is why companies of all sizes are making extensive use of telecommunication systems to increase their reach and improve their productivity.