Website Hosting: What you should know

Thinking of starting your website or are you having problems with web hosting service? Look no further as you have come to the right place. A website is a critical matter in the day and age we live in where most of the people are internet savvy hence this article will arm you with a few tips to help you when starting out or correct the few problems you have been facing.

Before we delve in, it is important to consider a recent trend in web-hosting. There are many web hosting companies nowadays, and so the competition is stiff. What this means is that web hosting companies have come up with crafty methods of inducing clients to their services. You should be very careful with this as what may be advertised as free web-hosting may have substantial financial implications for you later on.

Firstly, for spreading risk purposes, you could consider registering your domain name with a different company that hosts your website. This is to avoid a scenario where if a web hosting company does down, it goes with both your domain and your content.


Secondly, read the terms and conditions. So many beautiful and flashy things are put in your face to induce you to agree to sign the contract but be easy.  Read the terms of storage and bandwidth. There is nothing like unlimited storage as most web hosting ads claim. There is a catch so be very careful with that.

Also, do extensive research on the company you intend to do your web hosting. A quick way is to search that info on your preferred search engine. The results will shock you as you will learn a great deal by seeing what users of your prospective web hosting company have said of their services. Also, it is prudent to back up your data elsewhere. Yes, the web hosting company may offer this services, but data is very critical and vital hence having another back-up is advisable.

Also, it is good to be clear about your requirements so that when you are choosing the web hosting service, you should just be ticking the boxes in terms of services offered. With this and application basic common sense you should be able to great services for your website.

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