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Top 5 Challenges of Achieving SOC 2 Compliance and How to Overcome Them

Hugh Grant



Tech employees

Achieving SOC 2 compliance is a significant milestone for any service organization, signaling a commitment to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of customer data. However, the path to compliance is often fraught with challenges. Here are the top 5 challenges organizations face when working towards SOC 2 compliance, along with practical strategies to overcome them.

1. Understanding the Requirements

The Challenge:

SOC 2 compliance involves a comprehensive set of criteria known as the Trust Services Criteria (TSC). These criteria encompass various controls and practices, which can be overwhelming to understand and implement, especially for organizations new to compliance frameworks.

How to Overcome:

  • Educate Your Team: Invest in training sessions and workshops to ensure that everyone involved understands the requirements.
  • Consult with Experts: Engage with SOC 2 compliance experts or consultants who can provide clarity and guidance.
  • Documentation: Use detailed documentation and checklists to keep track of requirements and progress.

2. Implementing Effective Security Controls

The Challenge:

Implementing and maintaining effective security controls that meet SOC 2 standards can be complex and resource-intensive. Organizations must ensure that their controls are both adequate and effective in protecting customer data.

How to Overcome:

  • Risk Assessment: Conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential vulnerabilities and prioritize controls accordingly.
  • Automation Tools: Leverage security automation tools to streamline the implementation and monitoring of controls.
  • Regular Audits: Perform regular internal audits to ensure that controls are functioning as intended and make necessary adjustments.

3. Continuous Monitoring and Maintenance

The Challenge:

SOC 2 compliance is not a one-time effort; it requires continuous monitoring and maintenance of controls to ensure ongoing compliance. This can be particularly challenging for organizations with limited resources or expertise.

How to Overcome:

  • Monitoring Solutions: Implement continuous monitoring solutions that provide real-time insights into your security posture.
  • Incident Response Plan: Develop and regularly update an incident response plan to quickly address any issues that arise.
  • Dedicated Team: Assign a dedicated team or individual responsible for overseeing SOC 2 compliance efforts and ensuring continuous improvement.

4. Managing Vendor and Third-Party Risks

The Challenge:

Many organizations rely on third-party vendors for various services, which can introduce additional risks. Ensuring that these vendors meet SOC 2 compliance standards is crucial but often difficult to manage.

How to Overcome:

  • Vendor Assessment: Conduct thorough assessments of all third-party vendors to ensure they meet SOC 2 compliance requirements.
  • Contracts and SLAs: Include compliance clauses in vendor contracts and service level agreements (SLAs) to hold them accountable.
  • Regular Reviews: Perform regular reviews and audits of third-party vendors to ensure ongoing compliance and address any gaps.

5. Preparing for the SOC 2 Audit

The Challenge:

The SOC 2 audit process can be rigorous and demanding, requiring extensive documentation and evidence of compliance. Preparing for the audit can be a daunting task, especially for organizations with limited experience.

How to Overcome:

  • Pre-Audit Readiness Assessment: Conduct a pre-audit readiness assessment to identify and address any potential issues before the official audit.
  • Organize Documentation: Ensure all necessary documentation is well-organized and readily accessible for the auditors.
  • Engage with Auditors: Maintain open communication with the auditors throughout the process to address any questions or concerns promptly.


Achieving SOC 2 compliance is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor that demonstrates your organization’s commitment to data security and privacy. By understanding the common challenges and implementing the strategies outlined above, you can navigate the path to compliance more effectively and confidently.

Remember, SOC 2 compliance is an ongoing process that requires continuous effort and dedication. Stay proactive, leverage available resources, and seek expert guidance to ensure long-term success.

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