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Bladder Prolapse: A Comprehensive Guide

Abdul Samee



Cystocele, another medical term used for the bladder prolapse, happens when the bladder sags into the vulva through weakened pelvic floor muscles and supportive tissues. That is what the “Bladder Prolapse Overview” provides; it covers the root causes of it, signs and symptoms of the disease, diagnostic methods, treatment types and preventive measures.

  1. Understanding Bladder Prolapse:

The occurrence of cystoceles involves the relaxation of the supportive muscles and ligaments that make the urethra up, resulting in the pushing forward of the bladder into the upper part of the vaginal cavity. These outstanding effects hold may occur that are unpleasant and painful.

  1. Causes of Bladder Prolapse:

Several factors contribute to the development of bladder prolapse, including:Several factors contribute to the development of bladder prolapse, including:

  • Childbirth: Vaginal delivery of children is an obvious prerequisite for weakened tissues of the pelvic floor and muscles. Especially, if a woman gives birth to multiple children with large babies she faces this risk.
  • Aging: Aging normally does cause a weakening of pelvic floor structures.
  • Chronic coughing: For instance, situations that aggravate conditions like chronic bronchitis or frequent asthma, that cause coughing frequently could tend to strain the pelvic floor muscles.
  • Obesity: One of pelvic floor disorders resulted from the addition pressure on the pelvic floor of our body increase the risk of prolapse.
  • Hormonal changes: Lost estrogen in the menopause can weaken or thin this pelvic floor muscle.
  1. Symptoms of Bladder Prolapse:

Common symptoms of bladder prolapse may include:

  • Generally an uncomfortable sensation of pressure in the center or lower abdominal region of a woman.
  • Thrush is an infection that can cause the vaginal canal to be bulging or protruding, which can be triggered by standing, coughing or lifting.
  • Urinary leakage or incontinence.
  • UTI, a recurrent disease of the urinary tract.
  • Pain during intercourse.

To manage these symptoms you can visit a urologist in Islamabad.

  1. Diagnosis of Bladder Prolapse:

Diagnosis typically involves a thorough medical history, physical examination, and possibly additional tests such as:

  • Pelvic examination: During the physical examination, your health care provider can install a pelvic exam for assessment of the prolapse extent and evaluating of pelvic floor muscle strength.
  • Urodynamic testing: These tests are aimed at observing changes in the bladder function, which also addresses the anatomical cause or underlying reason for the urinary symptoms.
  • Cystoscopy: A procedure in which a thin, flexible tube with a camera is inserted into the bladder to visualize the urinary tract.
  1. Treatment Options:

Treatment for bladder prolapse depends on the severity of symptoms and their impact on quality of life. Options may include:

  • Pelvic floor exercises (Kegels) to strengthen the muscles supporting the bladder.
  • Pessary insertion: A device placed into the vagina to support the prolapsed bladder.
  • Hormone therapy: Estrogen therapy may help improve pelvic floor muscle tone in postmenopausal women.
  • Surgery: In severe cases or when conservative measures fail to provide relief, surgical procedures such as bladder suspension or reconstruction may be recommended.


Bladder prolapse is a common condition that can significantly impact quality of life. If you experience symptoms suggestive of bladder prolapse, consult your Urologist in Lahore for treatment recommendations.

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