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Introducing Teamwave – An Integrated Suite of Business Apps.




 TeamWave is a Unified Platform for Collaboration, Sales, Marketing  and Support. We are offering integrated suite of business apps for free to small and medium sized businesses. No catch! Absolutely no restriction on user on-boarding or using any app.

Till now we’ve integrated Projects, CRM, HRMS & Contact Management (additional apps like Invoicing, Marketing Automation, etc. are planned for the future).

How it started:

Our parent company, Doublespring is a web development/design agency. Over the years, we’ve used many best-of-breed SaaS applications to manage our cross-functional teams, clients and business process.

As we grew, we found ourselves using and paying for 4 or 5 apps; each solved a specific problem well, but lacked a holistic approach to business management. Working with multiple apps built by different companies can be challenging for a growing company; especially when apps don’t play nicely with each other. In-fact our experience of using multiple applications is that it leads to reduced business efficiency & higher costs over a period of time.

Thus TeamWave was built with an integrated approach for all the apps like Project Management, CRM, HRMS and Contacts Management. We have kept everything simple and easy to use, so that a small company can get started quickly minimizing the learning curve.

Brief on the founders 




TeamWave is a product of Doublespring, an agency that does custom services like web application development, mobile application development etc. Doublespring was started by Shuhaib Shariff and Shabeer Ayar. Shuhaib has over 12 years of experience in marketing, sales, product development, user experience design and startups, While Shabeer has worked with companies like Tony Harris, Wipro, genesis, FireEye etc.


Benefits of using TeamWave Business Apps.

1) One place for your team to collaborate. Sales, support, dev & marketing departments will be in sync.
2) All apps are integrated and share the same information.No more duplicating, copying or pasting. Update a contact in one place, and the update happens across all applications.

3) Get rid of painful integrations, multiple logins & data inconsistency.

4) With TeamWave’s cloud-based web and mobile apps, you can manage your business at work, at home or on the road.

Current traction 

In December, 2015 we were featured on Product Hunt and last month we came out of Public Beta. Currently more than 2,500 companies are using Teamwave.

Future plans

The basic version will be available for free for startups to use. Right now monetisation is not our priority and when we do get to a point of scale, at that time we’ll roll out a premium version of the same. Some of the features to be included in the Premium version are: Marketing automation, Analytics, integrations with GitHub and Slack.

Watch Shuhaib (Co-founder and CEO) talking about TeamWave business apps in an event in the video above.


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